Chapter 67: Dobby Loves Hugs

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The next morning I woke up with Severus's arms around my waist and my head still on his chest.

"Good morning, darling," his smooth, silky voice said.

"How'd you know I was awake?"

"Your breathing changed."

Instantly, I shot up, remembering the dream I had just a few months ago. Severus shot up, concern crossing his features as he cupped my face with his hand.

"Y/n? What is it? What happened? Are you alright, darling?"

I cleared my throat, trying to focus on the feeling of his hand on my face.

"Sorry... uhm... Yeah, I'm fine."

"Darling, what happened?"

"Nothing, I-."

"Don't lie, Y/n. Talk to me... please," he soothed, rubbing a hand over my arm.

"It's stupid... I had a dream a few months ago and it started the same way..."

"How did it end?"

"W-with my uncle trying to kill me."

I watched as anger flashed in his eyes. His grip on my arm got tighter, though his grip on my face remained soft. I explained how the dream went, glossing over some of the more intimate details, and I could see Severus growing angrier as I got to the part about my uncle.

"He will never hurt you again, I promise you this, Y/n... and I will never hurt you. You're safe with me," he soothed, pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around me, one hand resting on the back of my head. "I've got you, darling. Everything's going to be okay. I will always protect you."

A few moments later we heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in," Severus called, gruffly, and Dobby entered the room.

"Dobby heard Miss Y/l/n crying and wanted to make sure she was okay.

"She's fine. You can go now," Severus replied. Dobby cowered and I smacked Severus on the arm.

"Severus, be nice."

His face softened and he sighed as he buried his face in my hair.

"Dobby, everything's alright. Come here," I said, softly. The small elf climbed into the bed and I pulled him into a hug. Severus groaned, shifting in the bed as I held onto Dobby.

"Mmm... Dobby loves hugs."

I chuckled as the small elf snuggled closer to me and Severus groaned once again.

"Hey, Sev. You better get used to this if you want me to have your babies."

He instantly sat up, glaring at Dobby and I as we both laughed.

"Is Mistress Y/n pregnant?!" Dobby squealed.

"No!" Severus yelled as I broke into laughter once again.

"But Master Snape wants to get Mistress Y/n pregnant?"

"No!" Severus exclaimed. "Goodbye, Dobby!"

"No, he just wants to marry me... we haven't talked about kids yet."

"Y/n! I swear I will push you out of this bed!"

Dobby giggled as he snuggled in between Severus and I.

"Dobby is home." 

I couldn't help the smile that rose to my face, though it didn't last long as I heard Lucius's voice ring through the Manor, sounding particularly close to Severus's room.

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