Chapter 37: Fearless Leader

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Over the next few weeks Severus had grown even more protective of me. When someone got within five feet of me, he was nearby, watching to make sure they weren't doing anything to make me uncomfortable. He didn't hover, which I appreciated, but he was close by in case I needed him. Lily, James, Sirius, Peter, Remus, and I hadn't talked since the incident. Severus had tried apologizing to Lily but it was no use. It was a Monday evening and I was sitting in the Great Hall with Severus, Rodolphus, and Regulus. We were eating dinner when James walked over to our table. Severus looked up, glaring daggers at James as he walked over to me, standing behind me.


"What do you want, James?" I replied, not even turning to look at him.

"Can we talk?"

"Talk about what? Talk about how you tortured my best friend? Talk about how you are an asshole and I want nothing to do with you?"

"Y/n, please... Sirius and Remus are desperate. They miss you, and... Sirius, especially, wants to talk to you."

"Then why aren't they over here instead of sending their fearless leader to come talk to me? Too afraid of the Slytherins to come over here and talk to me like men?" Rodolphus and Regulus chuckled as Severus stared at me, waiting for me to give him a sign that I wanted him to do something, but he knew I could handle it.

"Y/n... you know that's not true."

"Oh, really?" I finally turned to look at him. "Why is it that they always tell me how evil the Slytherins are and how I should watch my back?" I replied, laughing at the word evil. James stared at me, curiously, clearly not recognizing the girl sitting in front of him.

"Y/n, this isn't you... why are you acting like this?"

"This isn't me?" I laughed. "No? Then tell me... exactly who am I supposed to be because this is who you made me. I am done being pushed around." I stood up from my seat and was standing just inches from James. "You can tell Sirius and Remus if they want to talk to me, they can grow a pear and come talk to me themselves... and as for you... well, you can stay the hell out of my life," I hissed, laughing as I sat back down next to Severus. I no longer cared what the others thought. I had been pushed around most of my life and I was tired of it. I was tired of constantly being told what to do and what would happen if I didn't listen. Sirius stared at me from the Gryffindor table as James took a seat next to him. Fuck you, I mouthed to Sirius and he quickly turned around.

My Slytherin friends were staring at me in awe and some even began clapping as we burst into laughter.

"What?" I asked. "I'm done being their fucking pushover. They can all go to hell."

"Hmm... maybe we should bring her to meet Tom, soon," Regulus said to Severus. I turned to him, curiously, before smirking.

"Maybe you should."

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