Chapter 22: Freedom

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I tossed and turned that night, never truly falling into a deep sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Lucius and Narcissa staring back at me. Did they ever care for me? Were they just using me for Tom- Voldemort? These thoughts swirled in my mind as the sun rose and I climbed out of bed to prepare for the day. I was still in yesterday's clothing... I hadn't even bothered to change. I heard the crinkling of the letter from my pocket and I pulled it out. I turned the black envelope over in my hands before pulling out the parchment.

Dear Y/n,

I hope your school year is going well. Narcissa and Bellatrix can't stop talking about you coming to visit again. It appears they really like you. We were wondering if you would like to join us at the manor this summer. We have some friends that would like to meet you as well. Looking forward to your response!

Lucius Malfoy

A tear slipped down my cheek as I read the letter. A million thoughts and emotions were crashing over me at once. I wanted to go to the manor... I wanted to escape my uncle more than anything... but I knew what would happen if I went. I knew my uncle would retaliate. More thoughts swirled in my mind as I wondered what their intentions were. Who were the 'friends' they wanted me to meet? More blood supremacists? Tom Riddle? Would he be there? A single tear fell onto the parchment, landing directly on Lucius's name. The tear moved downward and slipped off the page, falling to the carpet, as the ink smeared. I gently set the letter down and pulled a piece of parchment from my desk and began to write.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy,

Thank you for your kind invite, though I am afraid I cannot accept it at this time. As I'm sure you are aware, I am needed at home for the time being. I hope, someday, I will be able to join you at your lovely manor, though I am afraid that time has yet to arrive. When I turn 18, my uncle will no longer be my legal guardian and will have no say over who I stay with. When that time arrives, I would be happy to visit, if you still want me to. Thank you for the invite and I hope, someday, I'll be able to accept it if you extend the invitation again.

Y/n Y/l/n

I kept the letter brief and to the point. They were aware of my situation and I hoped they would understand why I couldn't visit. I simply hoped they would continue to keep my secret. I looked over the letter once more before adding something at the bottom.

P.S. I need you to burn this letter after you read it... If anyone finds out, it won't end well.

I tucked the letter in an envelope, sealed it, and gave it to my owl. A single tear slipped down my face as the owl flew out the window, the sunlight glinting off her wings as she took off with my letter... taking my freedom with it.

A/N: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow. I love reading your comments :)

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