Chapter 61: The Trial

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The first few weeks of the summer passed smoothly. Minerva and I settled into a routine and I felt right at home. Finally the day of the trial had approached and I could feel my nerves getting the best of me. I was brushing my hair when I heard Minerva clear her throat from the doorway. I turned to face her and she walked into the room.

"Are you nervous?" she asked me. I slowly nodded as she pulled my hair out of my face, helping me tie it back, half up, half down.

"It's going to be alright, dear. With the amount of evidence they have... there's no reason he won't be convicted. Albus and I will be there every step of the way."

I nodded, feeling a few tears slip from my eyes as I began to speak.

"Thank you," I replied, standing up and grabbing my cloak from the chair. She placed an arm around my shoulder before we took the Floo to the Ministry of Magic.


We made our way toward the room the trial was being held, Minerva holding an arm around my shoulders, protectively. I could feel several pairs of eyes on me as we made our way through the crowd. Several people stepped in front of us, their cameras flashing and questions flying as Minerva pushed me behind her.

"Miss Y/l/n, is it true you turned in your uncle?!"

"How long has he been torturing you?"

"Why didn't anyone listen to you the first time you tried to report the abuse?"

"Did your aunt abuse you too?"

Their questions surrounded me and I felt anger rising within me at their accusation, though I refused to give them the satisfaction of knowing they had angered me. I plastered on the face I had grown so accustomed to holding: the blank stare, not a smile though not really a frown either. A face that seemed to say: you are beneath me and none of this matters to me. My uncle had helped me master that face before my aunt had died and made sure I never forgot it after she passed.

"Leave the girl alone. You will hear the truth when it comes out in the trial. Until then, you will leave her alone," Minerva said, trying to push her way through the sea of reporters, but they followed behind us, their cameras flashing as they tried to get a good photo. We made our way to the trial room and Minerva ushered me to a seat, the guard at the door stopping the reporters from entering.

It felt as if hours had passed, though it had only been 20 minutes. I was told what would happen when they called my name and what I was supposed to do. After the person left, we just sat in silence for a few moments before the room started filling with people I didn't recognize. It wasn't until I saw a flash of black and blonde streaked hair, followed by a head of platinum blonde hair that I saw someone I recognized, or rather two people. I quickly stood up, running toward them. Narcissa and Lucius embraced me tightly.

"How are you, dear?" Narcissa asked me.

"I'm alright. Just ready for this to be over."

She nodded, understanding what I meant. Her hand cupped my cheek as a smile spread across her face.

"We brought you a surprise," Lucius said, noticing his wife's expression. Neither one of them could contain their excitement as they stepped to the side, revealing a young boy in black robes. He looked so different it took me a moment to recognize him. He wasn't wearing his usual Slytherin robes but was wearing a black cloak, his hair had been cut, though it still fell just above his shoulders. He looked so different and yet I instantly recognized him. His eyes locked with mine and his jaw hung open slightly.

"Close your mouth, Severus," Lucius chuckled. "You'll let in a fly."

Severus glared at Lucius, but closed his mouth and I jumped toward him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands resting on my waist.

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