Chapter 45: Her Story

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I took a deep breath as their eyes carefully watched every movement I made. Severus placed his hand on my arm, assuring me he was there with me.

"You have to promise that you will stay calm and you will listen to everything before making any decisions." They all nodded, waiting for me to continue. I had been holding on to this secret for years and now that it was finally coming out, I felt my throat beginning to close up and fear coursed through my body. I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat and continued. "My aunt died when I was seven years old. Ever since that time my uncle has blamed me for her death. I suppose I even blamed myself for her death... He started beating me and then he discovered the... Cruciatus curse. He would use it every day for five minutes at a time before beating me. Hogwarts was the only time I got a break from it all." I looked up, noticing the tears in their eyes as I finished my story.

"Why didn't you tell us?" James asked.

"I couldn't tell anyone... Remus discovered the truth and I had to Obliviate him... my uncle threatened to kill everyone I cared about if I told the truth." Remus looked up at the mention of his name, not remembering that at all, before looking away, feeling guilty.

"What about the ministry?" Sirius asked.

I laughed, bitterly, remembering what Bagnold had said to me. I told my friends the story of how I had told Bagnold the truth and how my uncle had written a letter in my own blood to silence me. My friends stared at me, shocked.

"What can we do?" Remus asked.

"There's nothing you can do... I just have to wait until I am 18. Once I turn 18... he legally has no power over me."

"Y/n! You can't stay there until you are 18!" Sirius said, growing angry. I jumped slightly and Severus rubbed my arm.

"I don't have a choice!"

"No, Y/n! Things are different now! With all of us as witnesses, we could go to Dumbledore and he could help! They could take him to Azkaban, Y/n!" Sirius reasoned.

"No! It's too risky! If something goes wrong, people I care about will die!" I hissed.

"Y/n! If something goes wrong, you could die! What if you had internal bleeding or something and didn't know!?" Sirius responded. I looked away, remembering the time I had internal bleeding and the Malfoys helped me.

"Y/n... Y/n, has that happened?"

"Once but the Malfoys helped me through it. They taught me a spell to fix it."

"Y/n! This isn't okay!" Sirius hissed before looking at Severus. "How the hell are you so calm about this, Snape? Are you just okay with her endangering herself!?" he screamed.

"Shut up! You don't know what the hell you are talking about! You don't get to accuse him of not caring! Especially not after the hell you've put him through! You're no better than my uncle!" I screamed.

"Y/n..." Sirius whispered, but I didn't listen.

"No! You know what's funny? That stupid impedimenta spell you love so much? The one you used on Severus? That was my uncle's favorite! That one and... oh what else....? Oh right! The Petrificus Totalus jinx! That was another one of his favorites. He used to love using those so I couldn't get away! Right before he would Crucio me! So, tell me, how are you any different from him!?" I screamed through my laughter, tears running down my face. Severus pulled me into his chest, smoothing my hair and whispering to me.

"I know, Y/n... I know... It's going to be okay... I promise," his soothing voice whispered in my ear as he rubbed small circles into my back. He pressed his lips to my hair as I sobbed into him.

"No! No!" I screamed, finally allowing the pain of the last 8 years to come crashing over me. Sobs racked my body as Severus held me, allowing me to cry out the pain. Memories flashed in my mind as every hurtful word my uncle had ever spoken to me, every curse, every beating came crashing back. I screamed as the pain became too much, tears still streaming down my face, as I gripped Severus tightly, too afraid to let go.

After a few moments, my body finally calmed down. The tears dried and my sobs slowed as I pulled away from Severus. The silence was deafening as no one knew what to say. My friends watched as Severus's fingers intertwined with mine.

"Y/n... we have to tell Dumbledore," Sirius said, softly.

"No, no that's... not an option," I replied, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Y/n... you can't keep putting yourself in danger," Remus soothed.

"If I don't do this... everyone I care about gets hurt."

"Y/n... there are things we can do... Dumbledore has connections with the Ministry of Magic. Many people want him to be minister when Bagnold retires. If we tell Dumbledore what's been going on... all they have to do is check your uncle's wand. They can see what spells he has used... Y/n... you'd be free," Sirius replies.

"It's not that simple..."
"Y/n... we have to tell Dumbledore," James insisted. I felt tears slip down my face as Severus rubbed circles into my hand. I looked up at him and his eyes were filled with sadness.

"It's your decision, Y/n," Severus said, softly, still rubbing my hand, his fingers still interlaced with mine.

"It isn't just her decision, Snivellus, not anymore," Sirius hissed. I looked up, glaring at Sirius and he instantly closed his mouth. I thought about what would happen if I told the truth. Would Bagnold believe me? Would my uncle truly be sent away? Would I truly be safe? I looked up at Severus, not knowing what to do and his eyes filled with sympathy.

"I can't tell you want to do, Y/n," he sighed. I looked around at my friends, feeling safe for the first time in a very long time. Despite everything that had happened, these were my people and I knew they only wanted what was best for me.

"I'll do it, but on one condition."

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