Chapter 44: Crucio

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Some of you may find this chapter out of character but given the fact that Peter was a Death Eater and they were children at this point, just go with it. I also had to find a segue into the events that are about to occur.

Grab some tissues for the next few chapters y'all

I arrived in the Great Hall, Severus, Regulus, and Rodolphus by my side. They moved toward the Slytherin table and I went to the Gryffindor table for the sorting.

"Y/n, there you are!" James exclaimed, making room for me to sit. "We didn't see you on the train."

"Oh, I sat with Severus."

"Wait... Snape?" James asked.

Yeah... is that a problem?"

"No... I just.... I didn't think you two were talking."

"We weren't. Now we are," I replied, not in the mood to discuss this any further. I was rescued from the conversation as the first years made their way into the Great Hall and the sorting ceremony started.


The first few weeks of the school year went smoothly and I was lured into a false sense of security as I thought maybe this could last. I settled into a routine of switching between the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables for different days during meal times. Severus and the Marauders hadn't gotten into any fights and I was hoping this could last. That hope was quickly put to rest one Friday afternoon. Severus and I had been studying in the courtyard together when I needed to use the bathroom. I returned minutes later to find Severus on the ground, Peter standing in front of him while James and Sirius were laughing.

"Crucio!" I heard Peter shout as Severus writhed in pain on the ground. I ran as quickly as I could toward the place we had been studying. Severus stopped writhing as the spell ran its course. Peter raised his wand and I jumped in front of Severus.

"Crucio!" he screamed. A familiar pain shot through my body as I fell to the ground.

"No!" I heard Sirius scream as the pain continued to rip through my body

"Peter, stop the spell!" James screamed.

I let out a sickening laugh as I remembered all the times my uncle had done this to me. My friends stared at me as I laughed maniacally, feeling as though something had snapped inside of me. Tears streamed down my face as my laughter echoed in the courtyard.

"Peter!" Sirius screamed, moving closer to me.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed, through gritted teeth.

"Peter, stop the spell!" Remus jumped toward Peter, knocking him to the ground. "What the hell, Peter!" Remus screamed, holding him to the ground.

"I couldn't stop it! It all happened so fast!" Peter explained, pushing Remus off of him.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Sirius asked, trying to move closer to me but my laughter stopped him, freezing him in his tracks.

"You think this hurts me?" I replied through heavy breaths as laughter slipped from my lips yet again. "I've been doing this every day for years, you bastard!" I hissed. In this moment I no longer cared about keeping my secret. My mind clouded with rage as I heard Severus's heavy breathing from behind me.

"Y/n... what are you talking about?" Sirius asked. Once again, I laughed as more tears slipped from my eyes.

"Shut up," I replied, crawling over to Severus's form which lay, breathing heavy, and curled up.

Don't Save MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora