Chapter 11: Promises

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Severus walked just slightly behind me, allowing me to lead the way through the empty corridor. When I finally found a little nook with a window I took a seat, feeling my breathing growing heavier, finally allowing myself to feel the pain of the summer... finally allowing myself to cry.

"Y/n... what's going on? Talk to me... please," Severus begged, placing his hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and he quickly moved his hand, returning it to his lap. His gaze held mine as he searched my eyes, trying to discover the secret I had been holding onto so tightly for years. I couldn't let him discover the truth... he could never know. I heard footsteps coming from the corridor and I huddled into the nook forcing my body into the shadows.

"What's going on with her?" Peter whispered.

"Where do you think she went?" James whispered, as five pairs of feet shuffled down the corridor.

"What is the deal with her and Snape?" Sirius asked, jealousy present in his voice.
"Why did she flinch like that?" Remus whispered, concerned.

"I'm going to kill him!" James yelled. I jumped and Severus wrapped his arm around me, protectively.

"Look, we don't know anything, okay!" Lily soothed, trying to calm their tempers.

"What if he's hurting her? Why else would she be friends with that git?" Sirius yelled. Severus held me protectively as their voices got closer and closer. My breathing got heavier as their footsteps got closer.

"Shhh... it's okay," Severus whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I wrapped my arms around him and he rested his chin on top of my head. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

"Do you hear that?" James whispered. "It sounds like heavy breathing..."

No... it's me. It's my stupid, loud breathing. I tried to slow my breathing. I didn't want them to find me in this state. Severus lifted up my head and held my face in his hands. He removed one hand and tapped his temple with his fingers, silently asking permission. I nodded and allowed him to enter my mind.

Y/n, everything's going to be okay. You don't have to talk to them about anything... okay... but if someone is hurting you... I immediately interrupted him.

Everything is fine, Severus. I fell and hurt my shoulder... I just didn't really want a bunch of questions. I fell... It's embarrassing. Then, Sirius wanted to act all weird about it and they were all staring at me. I didn't want all the attention. That's all it was... I quickly closed off my mind as a light was flashed in my face and five figures came into view.

"Y/n! There you are! Is everything all right?" Lily ran over to me, pulling me into a hug. James ran up to Severus and slammed him against the wall holding his wand to Severus's throat.

"What did you do?!" James seethed.

"James, stop!" I screamed, trying to pull him off of Severus, but it was no use. James was glaring daggers at Severus and pushed his wand further against Severus's throat. "No, please! Please let him go!"

"This bastard is hurting you and you are defending him!" Sirius spat as he moved next to James, raising his own wand to Severus.

"What the hell are you talking about?! No one is hurting me! Especially not Severus! Are you insane? Severus is my best friend! He would never hurt me! Let him go!" I screamed. James turned away from Severus and his eyes locked with mine. His expression softened as he stared at me and noticed the fear in my eyes... fear of losing Severus. He backed away from Severus and lowered his wand. Severus moved away from the wall and looked up at me.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Severus asked me.
"Am I okay? Are you okay?" I asked as I ran toward him and he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm fine. Everything's okay now... Everything's going to be okay... I promise, Y/n." If only he knew how wrong he truly was. If only he knew just how not okay everything really was.

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