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A few things to note before we get into the story:

For the sake of the story, the reader is a Gryffindor, however she could fit into any house. This comes into play as the hat has a hard time sorting her.

I have tried to keep the timelines as realistic as possible but (as we all know) the woman who wrote the books didn't exactly pay much attention to this at all. A few things have been changed in regards to the timeline but I have tried to keep most things the same. The biggest change is that Rodolphus Lestrange is the same age as Snape and the Marauders. (Some places say he is the same age and others say he was older so I am honestly not sure anymore) This will change the marriage date of Rodolphus and Bellatrix to directly after they leave Hogwarts and put Bellatrix as being about 8ish years older than Rodolphus (I've seen bigger age gaps. Just go with me on this. You'll love him in this story.) Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black are in their final year when Snape is in his second year and Y/n is in her first.

Y/n is one year younger than the Marauders, which would put Regulus as one year younger than Y/n and two years younger than the Marauders.

This book begins in Y/n's first year and the series will continue through the Deathly Hallows.

Hope you enjoy!

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