Chapter 46: Free With Nowhere To Go

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"I'll do it, but on one condition," I said and their eyes instantly shot up to meet mine. "Severus is the only one who comes with me."

"Y/n..." Sirius began, but I instantly stopped him.

"It's my story, Sirius... It's my life. I get to decide who is there when I tell Dumbledore what happened. It's... it's not going to be a pretty story, okay? I- I was tortured for 8 years and I am going to have to relive that pain when I talk to Dumbledore... I want to be alone."

"Alone... with Snape?" James asked, spitting Snape's name.


"If that is your wish, Y/n... we will respect it, but... you must go talk to him, now. We don't want you waiting any longer to tell the truth," Remus said. With that, Severus and I stood up, his arm on the small of my back, guiding me toward Professor Mcgonagall's office, knowing we would need to speak with her first.


We arrived outside of Professor Mcgonagall's office and I felt a pit grow in my stomach. She had told me, in the past, if I ever needed anything she would be here but it seemed weird to be coming here now. It seemed weird to be coming here to tell her a secret I had held onto so tightly for 8 years. What would happen when she learned the truth? Severus slowly rubbed my back and nodded at me as I raised my fist to the door, softly knocking. I heard the shuffling of papers from inside the office before Professor Mcgonagal stood in the door frame. Her eyes softened when they met mine.

"Y/n... Mr. Snape? Is everything alright?" she asked, searching my eyes.

"Professor... something's happened and... uhm..." I swallowed thickly as the lump in my throat grew larger. "...well I would like to speak with you and Professor Dumbledore if I could, please." Her eyes grew wide with concern before ushering Severus and I inside.

"Of course, dear. Come in, come in." Severus and I stepped inside as she closed the door. A warm fire welcomed us as she walked us toward a small couch near the fire. Severus took a seat next to me, pulling me closer to him. Professor Mcgonagall smiled before beginning to speak.

"Would you like me to get Professor Dumbledore now or would you like to speak with me first?" she asked, softly.

"Uhm... if you could get him now... that would be better. I'd rather not have to repeat it any more than I have to."

"Of course, dear... but I must ask... are you in immediate danger?"

I hesitated before looking at Severus. He turned to Professor Mcgonagall and answered for me. "She is safe at Hogwarts, Professor, but... I'm afraid she could be in immediate danger depending on how you and Professor Dumbledore handle the situation."

"As could many people I care about," I added. Professor Mcgonagall nodded before quickly leaving to find the headmaster. Tears welled behind my eyes but I focused on keeping them in as the fear threatened to overwhelm me. My body began to shake and Severus pulled me close to him, my head resting on his chest.

"Everything is going to be okay, Y/n... I promise... I will keep you safe," he whispered in my hair, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

A few minutes later Professor Mcgonagall returned with the headmaster. Both of them were looking particularly concerned as they moved to sit across from Severus and I.

"Alright, Y/n... We're listening, dear... whenever you're ready," Professor Mcgonagall soothed. Severus slightly released me, allowing me enough space to talk but was still close enough in case I needed him. I began telling them the story of how my aunt had died, how my uncle had blamed me, how I had tried to tell the truth once before but he had written a note in my own blood threatening me and those I cared about, how it got worse as time went on, and how I had gotten better at hiding it. By the time I finished the story all three of them had tears in their eyes and my own tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. Professor Mcgonagall stood up abruptly and I jumped back, slightly, afraid she was angry with me for keeping it a secret for so long. She froze immediately before raising her hand slowly.

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