Chapter 7: Werewolf

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As time went on James, Sirius, and Peter grew more and more suspicious of Remus. They would come to Lily and I, asking if we knew anything about his whereabouts. He seemed to disappear every month and none of us knew why. James and Sirius had devised a plan to follow Remus this month and had dragged Peter into their plan. They were currently trying to convince Lily and I to join but I was growing tired of their constant nagging.

"Why can't people have a secret without you having to know everything!" I yelled. The few Gryffindors in the common room turned to look at us, intently listening. I lowered my voice and continued. "Look, whatever he is doing... he clearly doesn't want anyone to know. So, why can't you just leave it at that? Why do you have to know everything?"

"What's your problem, Y/n? Why are you acting like this? Do you know something?" James asked as he and Sirius moved closer to me.

"No... it's just that everyone has secrets and not everyone needs to know everything."

"What's yours?" Sirius asked, smirking.

"Shut up," I replied, punching his arm and laughing, hoping he would let it go.

"Look, Y/n is right. Just let it go you guys," Lily said, growing annoyed with the conversation.

"Nah, Remus is our mate and if he can't be honest with us, why would we trust him?" Sirius asked in a rhetorical manner.

"So, are you coming with us tonight or not?" James asked.


"Your loss" Sirius replied as he and James walked out of the common room, Peter trailing behind them.

That night I lay in bed trying to sleep, when I heard howling in the distance. The full moon stared down at me, taunting me, daring me to get up and follow my friends.

I heard screaming coming from outside and I bolted from my bed, pulling on my slippers and bolting out the door. I rushed down the corridors and headed in the direction of the screams. I could see James, Sirius, and Peter running from a small cave under the whomping willow. They ran toward me screaming and breathing heavily.

"Y/n! Run!" James screamed and pulled me behind him.

"What's going on?" I asked as we re-entered the castle.

"Remus... is... a... werewolf!" James said through ragged breaths.

"What?!" I exclaimed, assuming I had heard him wrong.

"Remus is a werewolf," James repeated. "We just saw him turning and he nearly killed us!"

"James, calm down. Breathe! Look, if what you saw is true... Remus isn't in control of it and he most likely won't even remember this tomorrow. You need to stay calm and talk to him tomorrow. You can't tell anyone about this!"

"Y/n, did you know?" Sirius asked me, accusingly.

"No, but it changes nothing about our friendship," I replied as I turned and walked back to my dorm.

The next day was eventful. Remus seemed more exhausted than usual and we pulled him into the Gryffindor common room to talk to him about what had occurred. He was extremely fearful that we would blow his secret but we assured him we would do nothing of the sort. James, Sirius, and Peter agreed to become animagi to help him with his transitions each month. This proved to be much more difficult than they had originally thought.

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