Chapter 13: Obliviate

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Remus and I departed the Great Hall and walked out into the courtyard. The sun was beginning to set and there was a beautiful pink glow in the courtyard.

"Y/n... is there something you need to talk about?" Remus asked me, his eyes searching mine.

"Remus... I don't know what you mean."

"Y/n... don't do that... don't lie to me."

Remus... There are just some things that not everyone needs to know. Look... I promise I am okay. I fell and I injured my shoulder. That's all."

"Look, Y/n. I will respect your need for privacy because Merlin knows I have secrets of my own and you respected my privacy when I needed it... but.... Y/n I need you to promise me something."


"I need you to promise me that you are safe." His words hung in the air and I wasn't sure how to respond to him.

"Remus, I am at Hogwarts. It's the safest place in the world," I laugh, trying to change the subject.

"Y/n... you know that's not what I mean... Are. You. Safe? Is someone hurting you?" I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes as I focused on keeping my emotions in check.

"Remus... don't do this."

"Y/n... please. I just need to know if you are safe." He moved closer to me and placed his hand on my arm but I jumped away. Remus's eyes filled with sadness as he pulled his hand away.

"Oh, Y/n... What happened?"

"Remus... it's nothing. Please, you'll only make things worse if you tell anyone."

"Y/n, you're being abused! Is it your uncle? Is he doing this to you?!" Remus yelled. I flinched and backed away, being reminded of all the times my uncle would yell at me. Remus moved closer to me and I began to feel cornered. He sensed my fear and immediately backed off. "Y/n... I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, but... Y/n... is he hurting you?"

"Remus... I can't do this... If you tell anyone it will only make things worse. Please..."

"Y/n... I can't just let this go. I can't just let you go home to that monster and let him keep hurting you."

"Remus... please," I begged, knowing what would happen if he told anyone the truth. My uncle swore me to secrecy and I knew he would torture me and kill anyone I cared about if I told the truth. I couldn't let any of my friends get hurt because of me.

"Remus... I'm really sorry about this." I took out my wand and pointed it directly at Remus.

"Y/n... what are you doing?"

"Remus... he'll kill anyone who knows... I'm so sorry." Tears slip down my cheeks as I focus on the spell.


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