Chapter 69: Glares

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The next two months passed quickly. I visited Malfoy Manor several times over the course of the two months and Minerva and I grew closer. She was as close to a mother as I had ever had.

The time had come for us to return to Hogwarts. Minerva and I left early on the teacher's train to arrive before the students. Sixth year, I thought to myself as I sat in the Great Hall, waiting for the first years to enter. Remus, Peter, Lily James, and Sirius sat around the table and we talked about the trial. They were thrilled that my uncle had been sent to Azkaban, though they were bummed they couldn't be there. Sirius, in particular, was upset when he learned Severus had been there, though he tried not to show it. I could see Severus, Regulus, and Rodolphus sitting at the Slytherin table, Avery and Mulciber across from them as they appeared deep in conversation. I hadn't seen Severus in three weeks and it was crazy to me how much Severus had changed just since last year. He no longer wore the mismatched clothing he once wore, his hair was more put together, and he held a confidence in the way he conversed with the Slytherins that I hadn't seen in him before. It seemed as if living with the Malfoys had been good for him. He was finally starting to think more highly of himself and I was happy for him. He looked up, his eyes locking with mine and I waved at him, though he didn't wave back. He simply sat there, staring me down before looking away and returning to his conversation. I looked down, confused and a bit hurt, not understanding why he was shutting me out. I focused on him, trying to enter his mind, and he instantly looked up.

Are you seriously trying to look into my mind right now, Y/l/n?"

What the hell, Severus? What's going on with you?

None of your concern! Now how about you stay out of my head?! With that the connection was broken and Severus returned to his conversation. I looked down, tears forming in my eyes.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Sirius asked me, placing a hand on my back. I jumped slightly, though I relaxed once I realized it was Sirius.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, taking a bite of chicken from my plate.

"Darling, look at me."

I looked up, his eyes locking with mine as he wiped a single tear that had fallen on my cheek.

"Y/n... what happened?"

"Look, I really don't want to talk about it. Can we just change the subject?"

He nodded, pulling me close to him, my head resting on his shoulder. It felt different than it did with Severus, though the warm, fluttery feeling was still there.

"I've got you, pup," he whispered into my hair, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm here if you want to talk."

I nodded, burying my face in his chest, as his hand played with my hair. I could feel his heart racing in his chest but I didn't mind it. His hand reached under my chin, pulling my face up to look at him.

"I've missed you, pup."

"I've missed you too, Padfoot."

We finished the meal with several glares from Severus as he watched Sirius hold me, though I no longer cared. He was the one pushing me away and I refused to feel guilty for who I spent time with. I just wish I knew what I had done to make him shut me out.

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