Chapter 47: Reasons Unknown

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The next morning I awoke in an unfamiliar room with a pair of arms wrapped around me, my head resting on something solid. My heart began to race as I tried to remember where I was and my breathing grew heavy.

"Y/n..." I heard a low rumble from beneath me. Severus... I instantly calmed down as Severus's morning voice met my ears. I looked up at him and he brought his hand to my cheek.

"Are you alright?"

"W-where are we?" I asked, still groggy as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

"Professor Mcgonagall's chambers... remember?" he asked me. Memories of last night came flooding back before I nodded.



Severus helped me into Professor Mcgonagall's chambers and set me down on a couch before taking a seat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and my head rested on his chest as he rubbed my back with one hand, the other resting on the back of my head. A few moments later Professor Mcgonagall came into the room, smiling as she saw Severus holding me. She moved to take a seat across from us.

"Now... I understand, Y/n... you probably don't want to be alone right now...given everything you've been through... would I be correct in assuming this?" she asked. I nodded sheepishly, still clinging to Severus.

"Understood, however... I must ask... your... relationship with Mr. Snape... is it platonic? Are you two just friends?" Severus's eyes shot up as did mine.

"What?" I asked. She laughed as the atmosphere in the room grew more awkward.

"I'm sorry... it's just... I have to ask. The two of you seem very close and I don't mind the two of you sleeping in the same room given the circumstances, but... I need to know that I can trust you." I nodded before answering her.

"Yes, we are platonic. Severus has just been there for me through a lot... You can trust us," I replied, clinging tighter to Severus, too afraid to let go. She nodded and stood up, gesturing for us to follow her. We entered a small room that contained a potions workstation and some smaller items I assumed she used for transfiguration. She went to a small closet and pulled out some pillows and blankets. I watched as she gracefully pulled out her wand and tapped the blankets and pillows. Before my eyes the pillows and blankets had transfigured into a bed and the workstation had disappeared.

"There, dears. I hope you'll be comfortable here. There is a bathroom down the hall to your left. You already saw the kitchen on your way in. You are welcome to anything there. My room is just down the hall on the right if you need anything." With that, she smiled and closed the door, leaving Severus and I alone.


"Yeah, no I remember. Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit groggy," I replied, laughing. I rolled over, laying on my back as Severus propped himself up.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine," I replied. Severus raised his eyebrow before rolling over and landing on top of me.

"Oh really...hmm... how shall I punish such behavior... lying to me, Y/n?" he asked, smirking as he began moving his fingers over my abdomen. "Are you ticklish, young lady?" he asked as he began tickling me. Laughter burst from my lips as I rolled onto my side.

"Severus!" I yelped as his fingers tickled my stomach.

"Ah ah ah Y/n... You lied to me, young lady. Telling me you are 'fine,'" he said, pouting mockingly.

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