Chapter 29: Severus Prince

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The rest of the year passed pretty quickly, though James and Sirius still glared at me from afar. Peter and Remus were much more civil, though Peter seemed too afraid of James and Sirius to actually speak to me. He would try to make conversation but the minute Sirius or James even looked at him, he would scurry away and return to them like a lap dog. Remus, on the hand, was much more forgiving and didn't mind the glares he would get from the others when he conversed with Severus and I. Though Severus hated the conversations, he knew it made me happy to spend time with Remus and he tolerated him for my sake.

I was seated in the Great Hall during the last week of school when an owl dropped a letter into my hands. Once again, I recognized the stationary immediately and quickly slipped the letter into my pocket, receiving a few curious glances from Severus and the Gryffindor table. I looked up, my eyes meeting Severus's as he furrowed his brow. I gave him a reassuring smile before speaking.

"Nothing to worry about, Severus. It's just a letter from a friend," I said, smiling at him.

"The Malfoys," he replied.

"Yes." That was it, the end of the conversation. Severus questioned no further, simply placing his hand on mine under the table, understanding my wish to discuss the matter no more. I looked over to the Gryffindor table and saw my friends still looking at me. As they met my eyes, they quickly turned around... all except Sirius.

"Black is staring again," Severus spat.

"It's fine, Sev. He's harmless. He's just... concerned," I replied, sighing as I remembered our conversation a few months ago. We hadn't spoken since that night and, while I hated how he had acted, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing as I looked at my friends. I truly missed them.

"Concerned about what?" Severus asked, his curiosity growing.

"Just... about the company you keep."

"Wait... is that why you haven't spoken to them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your friends... Why did you stop speaking to them?"

"Oh, uhm... we just had a fight... that's all."

"About what?" Severus looked at me, waiting for my response. How do I tell him? How can I tell him my friends are angry with me for spending time with him?

"It was about me... wasn't it?" I looked up at him. My eyes met his and the sadness within them made me want to cry.

"No, it-... it was-." Severus cut me off before I could finish.

"Don't lie, Y/n. It was about you spending time with me... wasn't it?" he asked as his hand slowly let go of mine under the table and he turned away from me.

"Sev..." I placed my hand on his cheek, forcing him to meet my eyes. "They don't get to decide who I hang out with."

"Y/n... I- I don't want you losing people because you choose to spend time with me... it isn't fair to you."

"It isn't fair to you, either. If they can't accept the fact that I want to spend time with you... then I don't need to spend time with them. I don't need that in my life." I saw tears forming in his eyes as my words resonated within him.

"You should still talk to them, Y/n... I-... I don't want you losing anything or anyone because of me. Just... at least talk to them before we leave school... for me?" I looked away, not wanting to answer and feeling like I was betraying Severus if I talked to them. He gently placed his hand on the side of my face, pulling my face toward him again.

"Y/n... promise me you will at least talk to them... for me?" he asked as he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"I'll think about it."

"Well, at least hanging out with me hasn't changed you too much," he said, laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"You're still just as stubborn as ever," Severus replied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. I laughed before playfully slapping his arm.

"Shut up, Snape."

"As you wish, Y/l/n," he replied, enunciating my last name.

"Damn, I thought you were going to make me a Snape soon. What happened to the wedding plans?" I asked, batting my eyelashes, trying to hold in my laughter. By now, most of the Slytherin table was looking at us, trying to understand our strange relationship, yet finding it humorous, the way we messed with each other.

"Nah, if anything, I would take your last name," he replied, his eyes darkening.

"Eww! Absolutely not," I replied, punching his arm. I instantly thought of my uncle and how I hated his last name.

"Damn, I think I could pull it off. Severus Y/l/n? Kinda has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" he asked, laughing.

"Absolutely not."

"Fine, when I turn 18 I shall change my last name and you may take that."

"What name would you choose?"

"Severus Prince."

I smiled as he spoke the name, remembering having seen that last name in a book somewhere.

"Why Prince?" I asked.

"My mother's last name."

"It's beautiful," I said, smiling. "Damn, Severus. You better get me a ring, then."

"You're absolutely right. Wouldn't want any other man taking you away from me right?"

"Correct, Mr. Snape. Clearly all the men are lining up for my hand," I said, laughing as I gestured around the room. We broke into a fit of laughter before continuing our meal.


I quickly moved to the Gryffindor common room after saying goodbye to my friends. I opened the door to my dorm and sat on my bed, pulling the letter from my pocket. I tore open the flap, pulled the parchment from the envelope, and began reading.

Dearest Y/n,

I hope your year has gone well. Lucius and I know how difficult things have been, particularly during the summer months. As the summer months approach we would like you to know you are welcome at the manor anytime. I understand it can be difficult to visit, but you are welcome anytime. If you would like to visit at the end of the summer again to get fixed up, please feel free to. Lucius and I want you to know if there is anything we can do for you to please let us know.


Narcissa Malfoy

I felt forming in my eyes at how sweet they were. I had missed them and wanted nothing more than to visit them during the summer but I knew I couldn't. Less than 4 more years, I thought to myself as I placed the envelope in the fireplace, knowing what would happen if my uncle ever saw it.

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