Chapter 26: Flirt

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The train jolted to a stop and Severus and I woke up, still holding each other. We heard the hiss of the doors opening and compartments started emptying as students left the train. Severus and I stood up, walking out of our compartment and into the aisle. I closed the compartment door behind us and, as I quickly turned around, I bumped into a solid frame, nearly knocking me over, before two strong hands grabbed my waist, holding me up.

"Careful there, Y/n," Sirius Black said as he held my waist. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." He smirked before looking behind me where Severus was watching the encounter. He glared daggers at Severus before smirking and turning back to me.

"How was your summer?" he asked, pulling me into a hug, his hands wrapping around my frame.

"It was fine," I said, resting my head on his shoulder. He pulled away slightly before bringing his lips to my cheek. He pressed a soft kiss there before pulling away. My breath hitched, slightly, at the feeling of his lips pressed against my cheek.

"See you around, Y/l/n," he said as he turned and walked down the aisle with James, Remus, Peter, and Lily following closely behind. Lily? She sat with them? Strange... she always sits with us... I thought to myself as Severus moved behind me.

"You alright?" he asked me, a hint of jealousy in his tone, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason... just... he kissed you."

I quickly turned around, noticing the anger in Severus's eyes as he held me, protectively.

"Yeah, Sirius is just like that," I laughed. "He's a flirt. It's his personality. Why? Are you jealous, Sevy?" I asked, a smile breaking out across my face as I remembered our conversation before summer began. His eyes brightened as he stared at my smiling face.

"Well... you did ask when the wedding was. I mean... I don't want to have to share my wife with Black," Severus replied, laughing. I playfully smacked his chest and he pulled me into a hug.

"Come on. We should go. Wouldn't want to miss the feast," he says, letting go, leading me down the aisle and off the train. I looked up at the towering castle as I heard Ogg and his assistant, Hagrid, calling the first years toward them. Regulus and Rodolphus ran over to Severus and I, pulling us into a hug.

I'm home.

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