1 . FREE

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Hi guys . This my first ever writing a story in my account . This is a runaway story . just so let u guys know i am hiccstrid shipper . But i don't see much stories about hiccup runaway so i thought of making one .....



Hiccup still remember the cheers of the vikings as he trekked through the familiar path in the forest , a large bag slung over his shoulder , the joyous praises of his talents echoing through his ears as his mind jumped back to the arena match with the Gronkle . Because of them , he had bumped up to the top of the class faster than anyone could even process. Of course , with vikings , whose wits were about as slow as snails , that wasn't surprising.

Of course, he owned his success to the tiny little fact that he had defied 300 years of viking tradition. In those three long centuries , spanning farther back than anyone could remember , viking tribes had been at war with dragons : massive fire-breathing creatures that flew through the skies and raided islands throughout the archipelago for their food , and occasionally killed to get it . The vikings would always fight back , and continuous dance of death between the two species led the vikings, especially the people of berk , to build most of their culture off of killing the evil , mindless demons .



"Leaving ! We're leaving!" Hiccup called out as he finally entered the secret cove that had become his special place over the last few weeks where he could meet with his dragon companion. It was surrounded on all sides by a steep rock wall with large pine trees atop , filled with boulders, a few dead trees on the sides, and a tiny stream flowing into a small , dirty pond. "Let's pack up! Looks like you and me are going on a little vacation.......forever."

Hiccup knew what he was doing was wrong , and a little ironic , now that the thought about it. The pride of his village and his father was what he'd strived for all those years and endured so much mental and emotional abuse for , to the point where he convinced himself he had to become a killer or either kill himself atop a funeral pyre to obtain it. And now that he finally had it, he found it discomforting and was leaving it all behind .

But he knew good and well that he couldn't stay . Hiccup couldn't kill that Monstrous nightmare, he just couldn't . He knew that from the beginning of his dragon training . He told his father the night before he began that he couldn't kill a dragon , a statement he admittedly made at first due to the overwhelming terror of nearly dying at the claws of the most lethal dragon of all , but now he stood firm to it due to his bond with the same dragon. If he killed the nightmare, it would be like killing toothless on the inside , killing any dragon would evoke those feelings ..... betraying Toothless, his best friend , was far worse than betraying his entire village , he thought , so leaving was really his only option .It seemed what his father said on that fateful night was right : hiccup was many things , but a dragon killing wasn't one of them .

Opening his bag as he set it on the ground , muttering an "aw man" hiccup checked to make sure he had everything he needed; he had returned to his house just before heading off to the forest and packed all the things he had planned to take on his 'extended vacation' in the basket he had usually brought fish for toothless in. A few extra sets of clothes , his blanket and pillow , his charcoal pencil, some journal, some supplies from the forge and his room, a fishing rod , his knife and a short sword (also taken from the forge) , a bunch of his old drawings , and the helmet his father gave him....

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