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All rights to HTTYD belongs to cressida cowell and Dreamworks. But all the ocs and original story belong to me .

                                                 Hope u guys enjoy this chapter

Word got around the village pretty quickly after Stoick had emerged from his home looking completely broken just as he id the night he had lost valka to the dragons . He had made his way to Gobber who was directing more groups of vikings in the still ongoing search , and viking who had overheard and told each other . For as many who had been told , none could actually bring themselves to believe it . HICCUP? LEFT? It couldn't be true . He didn't have the guts to carry through with such an idea; still, his disappearance made it all to obvious he had. 

Everyone was distressed , still not wanting to accept even in the face of overwhelming evidence that Hiccup was now gone, never to return . Stoick had gathered everyone in the meade hall to read the note that Hiccup had left before he ran away . Needless to say there wasn't a single viking who wasn't crying or didn't have their head hung down in shame by the time the meeting was over and everyone returned by their homes . They couldn't believe things were that bad for the poor boy, even the teens. Sure they were never ones for delicacy, but to think it would come to driving the boy away.....

Snotlout felt so stupid; growling during the entirely of the trip back to his house. hiccup was his cousin, his blood but he used him as a punching bag every chance he got , whether it was for his horrible sense of fun or to dump off whatever aggravation he'd felt hi didn't deserve because he was too perfect a viking for such things. Maybe it was because Hiccup was an easy target, or maybe it was simple for the sake of keeping up what he started when they were five , but snotlout knew now that was hardly an excuse for being what he had always been - a bully. Now , he would never get a chance to apologize. But in his self-absorbed mind , he now had it all , the looks, the respect, the strength, and now the whole of Berk. really, by the end of the day , He'd found the whole thing laughable that his wimp of a cousin even had the slightest notion that he was going to survive out there all on his own . It always seemed like he couldn't go two seconds without being in life-threatening peril, and now he was putting himself through it just because he couldn't cut it as a VIKING. Honestly , the whole thing made him seem like a spoiled brat desperate for attention, and so wasn't even worth a second thought.

The twins , Ruffnut and Tuffnut were equally guilty. They were always torturing Hiccup, whether on their own or posing as snotlout's little lackeys ;they always called out nasty commands and lived to physically hurt him . Even though they admired him to some extent due to his satisfying their lust for chaos and destruction with his attempts to help the village that always resulted in him and some odd number of building going down in flames, it was always a treat to pick on the little runt. Like the time when they were five , and they chased him though the woods, and up the trees , here they lied in wait for hours and left him up there because he was scared to climb down himself and they lost interest in scaring him: something about it being too easy . And when he finally tried to get down , he broke his leg and finally showed up in the village again after hours had passed , eyes full of tears and a horrible limp. The sad part was that when the adults found out , the twins had basically gotten off the hook completely with little more than a finger point and a simple 'Don't do it again' and Hiccup was the one reprimanded for not having the courage to stand up for himself and letting a little fall damage him . Then there was the time when there was the time when they were eight and Dagur , the Deranged son of the Beserker chief Oswald the Agreeable , tried to drown Hiccup in the ocean , and they joined in instead of helping by cutting the ropes and letting him sink in the waves only for the adults to fish him later . Or the time when they were ten , and they tied him to a stick and tried to roast him over a fire as a sacrifice for Thor until Gobber stopped them and sent them to their home. They just laughed as Hiccup begged to be released , crying over not wanting to be sacrifice, even saying how the Gods wouldn't like him anyway. They weren't REALLY going to sacrifice him , but he didn't know that - their dark humor was enough to make him believe anything along those lines . It felt good to see him cry at the time; now it didn't.

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