47. A past that cannot be changed

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Stoick and Syn walked past the numerous rows of buildings and dragon-friendly contraptions that littered the village of Selardalr at an even pace. The Berk chief could only guess how long their little reunion with Hiccup could have lasted based on how the black sky was beginning to lighten. Combined with the warming light of the lit torches that stood above, it seemed almost as bright as morning. Daylight had always had a calming effect on Stoick for the fact that it meant his people were safe from any raids – dragons mostly raided during the night for whatever reason.

And yet here, it was the complete opposite; dragons of all kinds were visible, perched vigilantly on the rocky cliffside, in cozy little hay-filled pens for pets, on the rims of the roofs in the case of the smaller species, and everywhere in between. They sat contently on this island like festering pimples on a face, befouling the village with their stench of promised ruin. These people were obviously sick in the head to be content with such dangerous monsters sitting about free, and several of which were beginning to wake at this very moment, most likely from the shouting that had gone on over at Hiccup's 'home.;' Stoick had been more worried now than ever that his companions had been left behind at the house while he was taken ahead to have a chat with the girl.

All the while, the girl, Hiccup's wife as was claimed, just walked on, adding to the tension by simply keeping silent as she led him to some unknown destination. Never once did she look back, she just kept moving with her hands together, at times rubbing her enlarged pregnant belly carrying her and... Hiccup's...

Hiccup's baby.

Stoick never thought he'd see the day that a girl would even look at his scrawny son, much less show an interest in her. Looking at the young woman in front of him, a weak looking thing, he couldn't deny that he was a bit saddened that this was the best Hiccup could do. Next to the Hofferson girl's shining steel, this girl seemed like some rusted mallet at the bottom of the junk pile. Hiccup would have to pick someone just as un-Viking as he was, Stoick thought with a dulled look.

But if Stoick had learned anything from the shock of learning how his son had turned around and become a legendary savior behind his back, it was not to underestimate anyone. Even if he still had trouble believing that. And given how the woman could clearly raise her voice and state opinions clearly in front of him, he certainly wasn't going to make that mistake with her.

"Well?" The girl finally spoke up, still with her back turned.

"Well, what?"

"I'd at least like to hear what you think of our little village." This time she turned, and there was no trace of anger or annoyance. In fact there was no hint of any emotion – if Stoick had to guess, the girl was apparently trying to keep her personal opinions reserved for the moment.

"I came here to take my son back." Stoick scoffed crossing his arms. The glare he gave locking eyes with her was burning with revulsion. "I have no interest in a tour of your little town of idiots."

"I guess that makes your son the chief idiot. He is responsible for creating all this, remember?" Syn asked snidely with a raised eyebrow.

Stoick gave an audible growl while intensifying his glare, only for the girl to turn and continue walking again. He had to admit, way deep down, he would be proud beyond words if even half the stories were true about Hiccup's accomplishments. That is, if those stories could have gone more along the lines of Hiccup wiping all dragons out. "My son's no dragon-lover; he may be incompetent and scrawny but he knows better than to go around with blasphemous ideas in his head such as peace with dragons." He muttered pointing a meaty finger towards her.

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