13.How to train a Skrill

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"Eh, either way," Syn said, dropping the subject altogether. "Come on! Let's go check out the Killing Ring! Father said that that's where you're gonna be helping us train dragons!" Syn then grabbed Hiccup by the arm again and dragged him away, with Toothless galloping after them.

"Wh-Wha-Wait just a! What do you mean… can I just-!" Hiccup continued to stutter the whole way over. Just what had he been thrown into?



At the pace they were going, the three of them had made it to Selardalr's Kill Ring in record time. Like everything else on this island, the place was not that different from the Kill Ring on Berk: it was covered at the top with a metal cage singed with old burn marks from previous escape attempts by the dragons. The ring itself was made of stone with a weapons rack at the side and large stone doors with wooden and stone locks which contained the dragons the Silent Wolf Tribe had captured. The only major difference was the location: while Berk's Kill Ring had been situated on top of a large cliff with rock faces all around, this one was located near the forest's entrance, surrounded by trees and a large rock face overlooking the side. A massive stone archway marked the entrances to the place, the one on the far end that reached over a small lake led to a seat perched atop a smooth-topped massive boulder with a chair on it for the chief.

"Here we are!" Syn said as they approached the familiar metal gateway and turned the crank to open it up with visible strain. She then entered inside with Hiccup and Toothless directly behind.

"Uh, e-excuse me, can I just…" Hiccup stuttered out, as he had been doing the whole way. The first thing he had noticed when he looked up at the sides were that some people were already there. Even Syn's father, Harold was currently present.

"It's nothing special, really," Syn admitted. "This is where we keep the dragons we capture. I'm sure they do it on your old island too."

"Ba-dja, I-I uh wha, I don't, I d-didn't..."

"So..." Syn jerked back and started jumping up and down like she was all hopped up on sugar. "Do you think you can tame them enough for us to control them?"

"Yeah, about that…" Hiccup replied in a completely controlled voice, his period of flustered stuttering almost completely forgotten. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" HE screamed. All of Syn's energy was instantly channeled into shock as she jumped back.

"Oh, well, uh… I mean" Syn mumbled. She didn't want to tell Hiccup about her conversation with her father from the other night and make her father look manipulative to him. She twiddled her fingers trying to come up for a suitable lie. Suddenly, her father stood up from his seat in the front.

"It's all right, Syn," he decreed in his booming voice. "You might as well tell him now tha' he's here."

Syn stared at her father in surprise for a moment before turning back to Hiccup. "Right. Well, my father thinks if you can help us get the dragons under control then we won't have to worry about anymore raids. Your techniques were good enough to tame a Night Fury, so what's a few more garden-variety ones?" She giggled nervously.

Hiccup was shocked into silence, pondering as to whether this was really happening. He had dearly wished that he could show his own tribe the truth about dragons, that they weren't the evil monsters everyone believed them to be. That like Toothless, they could be friends, even family. It was an impossible dream, in all reality, something his stubborn, dragon-hating father would never accept and would sooner banish his son before even considering. But now here, in a land full of strangers, he found the chance to make it all possible.

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