52. A moment of the new parents

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"So help me Thor, you wake Livia up one more time tonight..."

Night had fallen back upon the island of Selardalr, just a few days after the incident with the Hooligans and Hiccup and Syn's new child being born straight afterwards. Given the hectic pace of events, it left most of the villagers with a muffled up sense of astonishment at how quickly things returned to their normal routine. Most of that could be supposedly attributed to their recently appointed chief, Hiccup, who somehow managed to get things cooled down and back on track while keeping up with the cleanup from his ascension ceremony. Maintaining fever-pitch energy in his duties and attitude, everything went like a well-oiled and geared catapult; some even argued that not even Harold could have gotten things under control so fast. Gossip had already spread that the intruders had a connection to him, yet even amidst more unfavorable rumors, the young leader kept a level head.

Everything had finally been settled that day, and entire village slept soundly after a good hard day's work. Toothless was curled up snoring in the corner of the room, and the young ruling couple were meant to be asleep, however Hiccup's newly developed case of 'daddy's little girl' syndrome got him up to check on here, for the third time that night alone

"I can't help it!" Hiccup exclaimed quietly as he held his precious daughter, smirking almost goofily at his wife. "She's just so sweet..."

Syn indulged her husband's whims as a reward for his hard work fixing up the village and walked over to Livia's crib over at the other side of the room. She grazed a single finger over her child's soft skin, barely even touching her so as not to awaken her. Both just stared adoringly at her sleeping face while letting the moments pass and wondering what dreams graced her innocent little mind.

"See what I mean? She's so adorable..." Hiccup's voice faltered.

The two were just about to return their daughter to their crib when Alvis appeared at the doorway in a wool shirt with a stuffed dragon in hand and his real dragon, Fafnir, right by his side. Both of them came in sleepy eyed and yawning, the little Terror even scratching the back of its head with its hind leg like a dog. Though mostly quiet, their little crossed sounds of sleep and awakening had just barely caught the attention of the two. "Mommy?" Alvis rubbed his eye and yawned once more. "Daddy?"

"Alvis" Hiccup gently passed over his daughter to Syn and went over to his son, bending down on one knee to try and reach his level. "What are you doing up?"

"I had a bad dream..." The small boy complained, looking down to the floor as if ashamed for his fear. "I just can't stop thinking about Grandpa Stoick and those meanie Hooligans..."

Hiccup couldn't help but emit a tired sigh in his mind at the third bad dream this week since the untimely arrival of his old tribe. Though it was not like he could blame the child for his apprehension, when he had just learned the night they arrived of the horrific conflict between humans and dragons that plagued their ancestors for centuries, the past that he had worked so hard to try and erase for the boy's very sake. That, combined with their attempts on both Toothless and his mother's lives out of sheer spite in the process of stealing his father away, would only naturally have left a child such as him with terrible trauma-induced nightmares. He could just imagine Alvis's mental depiction of them as grotesque, bloodthirsty monsters with pure murder reflected in their battle-glazed eyes; in truth, he was having a difficult time not thinking the same, experience considered.

"I see. Do you wanna sleep with your mom and me?" He asked in the gentlest tone of voice he had.

"yes, please" Alvis pleaded, walking over to his father's body and holding onto the thin, skintight shirt he wore for comfort. His father carried him up while Fafnir flew up and landed upon his shoulder as he returned to the wooden bed, motioning for Syn to put Livia back in her crib in the process.

"Just think happy thoughts, sweetie," she said, going over to the boys. "The mean Hooligans are gone now, and your birthday is coming up soon!"

"Yeah!" Alvis cheered happily. "I get to be eight! I'm a big boy."

Hiccup chuckled. "But no matter what, you're still gonna be my little boy."


"Hiccup, don't tease him," Syn said. "I'm tired. Let's all go back to sleep."

Alvis settled in next to his mother while Hiccup draped the covers over them both, with Fafnir hopping off quickly to settle by Alvis's side. But just before Hiccup could settle in himself, the boy piped up in an almost unsure voice. "Um, dad?"

"What is it?"

"Uh, well... before I came here... I kinda... saw something." Alvis replied carefully choosing his words, unsure if he was still dreaming.

"You saw something?" Hiccup repeated.

"Yeah... outside. It looked like a dragon, a big one with four wings, but there was... someone on it."

"Sweetie, that's silly. All the dragons and people are asleep right now. It is way past bedtime, after all." Syn lightly chuckled. "You sure you didn't just have more sleepies in your eyes?"

Hiccup suddenly gained a serious expression as he looked down in thought. His son hardly ever lied about anything, and besides that the shape of a flying dragon was unmistakable amongst the lit torches, his years on Berk fearfully anticipating sudden raids taught him to trust the first call to action. But still, he had his doubts since the sentry dragons stationed at the front of the island had yet to report anything. Though he had to consider that the Hooligans had also arrived at the island undetected by anyone, and were easily able to blend in with the crowd despite not belonging to the tribe to break into his house the following evening. After all, the sentries were placed only at the front of the island by the docks, a decision he was quite sure of since Selardalr was so far off from the rest of the archipelago and virtually unknown by most of the other chiefs. That, and if anyone was going to attack, a full frontal assault was to be their most likely strategy.

A night flight was not going against any kind of rules, since he and Toothless had gone on so many themselves, but Hiccup's intuition and his gut were sounding steadily growing alarms in his head. Already he wasn't growing too fond of unexpected surprises.

As if to answer his doubts, a large pounding sound was heard just outside their house, powerful enough to rattle the boards on the floors and the ceiling. The sound shook Livia from her slumber and she began to cry loudly, pulling Syn from her spot upon the bed to comfort her. Hiccup and a newly risen Toothless looked out to find the bipedal sentry dragons hunched down and staring into his house. The gaze they transferred needed no long moments pondering a translation.

There was an intruder upon the island.

"Syn, stay here and look after the kids. If anyone comes over and asks, tell them I'm already taking care of the situation." Hiccup shouted as he ran out of the room to fetch his riding gear.

"Wait, Hiccup... what's going on?" She asked him at the doorway.

"Trouble, what else!?"





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