21. What is wrong with you?!

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A voice called out from out of nowhere, startling both boy and dragon; they look to the source to find Syn  standing only a foot away from them. Toothless was especially surprised that the small girl had followed them all the way here without him ever noticing her. Hiccup however, groaned on the inside; he had hoped this could be a one-on-one session with Toothless: as they say, two's company but three's a crowd.

"Syn. W-I, h-how long have you been standing there?" He asked stuttering.

"A week." She replied somewhat bitterly. Hiccup raised an eyebrow, confused at her answer.

"Uh, a week? Don't ya think you get a little tired by now?"

"No, I mean for a whole week I've just been standing around with a door in my face while you've been right behind doing Thor knows what in that forge!" She shouted, although somewhat miraculously no one could hear her it seemed as no one was busting through doors yelling to keep it down. Vikings were pretty heavy sleepers, apparently, though Hiccup wasn't about to take any chances; he keep holding his hands out and shushing her with a finger to his mouth but she just went on.

"Everyone's worried sick about you! Ever since that raid, you've been totally reclusive and you won't talk to anyone about it! Look, if this is about what Raoul said, I'm sorry, I mean really sorry since I kinda doubted everything you did too. But don't think for one second that no one recognizes what you've done for us, me especially. I always dreamed of something like this happening but I never though it actually would. The least I can do since you're the one who made it all possible is to be there to talk to you if something's wrong, and if Raoul's involved, I know something's wrong! So, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

Hiccup wasn't sure what mortified him more, the fact that she thought he was upset about something as childish as being bullied, or that she announced his problem and his full name to the now-waking village. Public humiliation was nothing new to him, especially if it involved bullying, but the last thing he need was everyone learning about it at once only to laugh at and scoff him off at once. It happened all the time when he was on Berk, and it seemed to be something of a cycle: Snotlout or the twins bullied him, he'd talk to his dad about it who always seemed to be in a public meeting of some kind at the moment, and Stoick would brush him off for him to get even more cold shoulders from the people. The adults were hardly mature about it, making weepy little faces to mock him and laughing at their own stupid impressions: a baby in grown-up clothes, they'd call him. It wasn't right, but Hiccup had at that point been forced to hide any personal problems he might have had in his later years, knowing for a fact tears didn't garner sympathy.

Toothless, on the other hand, was all but shocked: he didn't think it since Hiccup looked fine all the times he'd called him in, but had his boy been hurt or was upset in some way? In his self-appointed role as Hiccup's guardian, Toothless knew part of his job was to comfort Hiccup when he needed it, an assignment Toothless always made sure to complete without hesitation. He could see it written all over Hiccup's face whenever he came to the cove, behind the joyful gleam in his vibrant forest green eyes how in pain he was, how lonely he had been; he had never forgotten what Hiccup said about being fed-up with his life back on that despicable little rock with all those 'people' who apparently didn't care who they hurt.

If he could, he'd go back there and become death itself, sending all those monsters in human skin to their deserved graves. He knew Hiccup had been keeping some kind of secret ever since the day they'd arrived on Selardalr, but kept his distance in the hope that his little human brother, who seemed to finally be coming out of his shell in helping dragons make a life here, would come up to him himself: the question is, why didn't he want to talk?

Toothless slowly nudged Hiccup on the arm and let out a worried whimper before pulling away a smidge, ready for any kind of emotional dam to break. 'Is something hurting you? Hiccup, you can always talk to me about it, you know that. I do trust you, but do you trust me?' Hiccup subconsciously pet Toothless while keeping his eyes on Syn. "Syn, nothing is wrong with me. come on. That's not what this is about."

"Then what is it? What are you hiding?" She asked.

"I-It's just... okay, yeah, I guess it is something that Raoul said after the raid, but-"

"I KNEW IT!" She shrieked. "When I get my hands on that piece of dragon dung..." She clenched her hands around an invisible victim, more than likely the neck of an imaginary Raoul. Toothless was snarling with a small amount of gas leaking from his sharp jaws, muttering some dragon curse of some kind. It was obvious they were both thinking of suitable punishments for Raoul, the contents of which were far too graphic to even mention.

"No-h-h-hold on a second! It's not that!" Hiccup tried to placate them both. "I mean, yeah, he was being typical Raoul, but it was just... something he said got me thinking. Yeah, we stopped the raid, but that's not like it never happened, even if Selardalr got off scot-free."

Both girl and dragon stared at him as he continued, confusion etched on both of their faces. "Though we've brought dragons in to live with us, that doesn't mean other dragons will call it quits on the fighting too. Vikings, trappers, hunters, they won't stop, either, not until the streets are lined with dragon carcasses and we're drinking blood out of our mugs, which sounds gross, but it's a distinct possibility. And I-I'm sick of it, I'm sick of people fighting and dying for stupid things like honor and glory - those don't mean a thing if you're dead. So I'm going to put an end to it."

After a long pause, Syn asked rather cautiously. "And how exactly are you going to do that?" Hiccup only stared at her resolutely, and the answer he gave was the last thing either her or Toothless ever expected.

"I'm going to find the dragon's nest."


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