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Happy new year everyone ^U^!!!! I hope this year goes better for everyone !!! . This year going to be very busy for me , so i can only upload next chapters every 2 week or sometime early . so plz don't hate me ToT. 

                     Anyway hope u guys enjoy this chapter as well ^U^ 

It was a baby. A baby ,swaddled in blankets, lying alone in the grass , crying as hard as its tiny body could , almost as it was scared . Curiosity getting the better of him as it once did with his draconic friend - he realized he had a real problem with that - Hiccup returned his sword to its sheathed position in the holster on his back and slowly tip-toed his way to the baby , he was crying so hard it seemed as if it hardly noticed him until he carefully picked it up and placed it in his long-noodle like arms. One good look at the infant child's face made Hiccup melt inside - it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen , and he had seen Toothless with those pleading , dilated puppy dog eyes a lot of times . 

The baby looked to be a boy , Hiccup could tell , that couldn't be any older than maybe a few months . He wore little footy pajamas made from sheep wool and just as soft , something Hiccup's mother had barely noticeable strands of brown hair just beginning to grow on his head , and a cute , little button nose . Hiccup bounced the baby as he cradled it, shushing to calm him down ; little by little , the baby stopped crying and soon opened his big eyes just like his . Big, sad, green eyes that reminded Hiccup of the boy he used to be , and knew they had something in common . Perhaps it was some kind of message from the Gods , for him to meet this child that , as with toothless he could see himself, but what kind of message ? What did it mean? Hiccup could only wonder for a second before focusing back on the infant himself, a warm feeling growing inside him he would never had guessed had been adopted from his late mother . 

"hey little guy", Hiccup gently said in almost a whisper , smiling with a manner of love and compassion only a parent could feel . He placed a finger inside the slip in the baby's clothes and onto his soft flesh , tickling the baby's belly and making him giggle. "what's a cute thing like you doing in a scary forest like this ?" Hiccup seriously had to wonder that : this was , after all, a baby in his hands, and he knew for a fact that parents were not supposed to leave their child alone . Lest those children end up  like him, bitter and unhappy with life . 

"Where's your mama? Or your Daddy?" Daddy - the word felt like bile on his tongue , his issues with his own former father more than likely being the source of that feeling . Still Hiccup had to remain impartial - all fathers were different , after all , and he knew he couldn't blame all for the actions of just one . His father had done so with the dragons , and look where it got everyone . Lives and livestock lost every other night and precious resources and manpower squandered on utterly pointless hunts for a nest they could never find. He started at the baby looking for an answer , almost like the baby could answer him; as suspected , the baby stared at him blankly . 

According to Viking culture , babies who were too weak to become proper Vikings or even make it through the first few nights following their birth were to be left up in the mountains to die . A very harsh tradition, but necessary for a clan or tribe seeking to protect their reputation , and really , it seemed like reputation was the only thing any Vikings really cared about . Hiccup despised that - he knew that deep down , if it were his father's choice, if his mother hadn't been taken that night , that would have been his fate. Yet he survived , and he had been shaming his father and the Hooligan Tribe ever since . It seemed that the whole of tradition existed just to make him suffer for not being able to be something he wasn't . he would not let that happen to this child . 

"Well , little guy, if you've got nowhere to go, why not come with me . I was planning on it being just me and my dragon, but hey, the more the merrier ." He said to the baby , who smiled and cooed in response. Smiling , Hiccup carried the baby away back to his campsite . Boy, was Toothless going to be surprised.... 

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