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This is the part two of the previous chapter .. This would mostly be from toothless's POV. 



Toothless was in a daze when he finally woke up; his vision was blurred all around him, everything was hazy, and his body hurt everywhere, especially in the stomach where he was hit with both a flying rock and a falling boy. The second he opened his eyes a sharp stinging sensation in his head caused him to wince and roar in pain – he was about ready to slip into unconsciousness. The Night Fury slowly opened his eyes again to take in their location; they had landed in another area of the woods on the opposite side of the island, far away from their camp site. Several trees were bent and broken from his fall, and a small dent had formed under his body from the impact; if not for the throbbing pain all over his body, he would have chucked at the irony of being in a similar situation as weeks before.

Toothless' memory of the last few moments came back in a flash and his head flew up to check on his rider, lying just across from him. Hiccup was out cold; he had a horribly nasty gash on his forehead that looked deep and was bleeding heavily like a waterfall. He was breathing strangely and raggedly, a big breath followed by two little breaths, then a gasp and a big breath again. His coat and shirt were torn up from falling through the tree branches, and he had a large stain on the front of his shirt that looked suspiciously like more blood.

The sight caused Toothless to fill with intense worry; his beloved Hiccup was injured, possibly worse, all because he let his guard down during the flight and failed to protect him. He dragged himself across the ground until his head hovered over Hiccup and began to lick the wound on his rider's forehead to help stop the bleeding. Night Fury saliva had healing properties, and hopefully his would help cause the wound to seal up. Alvis, on the other hand, was pretty much alright for the most part. Hiccup had shielded him from the brunt of the fall, and the baby got away with only a bruise on his cheek.

At least one of you is okay,' Toothless growled.

But it didn't help that he was crying abnormally loudly, probably scared out of his wits from both the fall and for his new daddy's well-being, and Toothless had no idea what to do about it. He never had a hatchling before, heck, he'd never even had a mate, so he didn't know the first thing about being a parent. He was completely lost, shown from the panicked wince on his face as he looked around, obviously hoping someone else would come and quiet the child since Hiccup was in no condition to. When it was clear that he was on his own, he did the first thing he could think of and tried licking the baby's cheek and flashing his gummy smile, but nothing he tried worked – in fact, the baby didn't even seem to notice, he was crying so hard.

After a few minutes, however, Toothless ear flaps perked up as he heard something in the distance. The sound of numerous footsteps rushing closer, and they sounded threatening. Toothless quickly rolled over into his side in response and covered Hiccup and Alvis with his wings, but Alvis was still crying, wailing uncontrollably. If the baby kept crying, they'd find them. What if they tried to take him and Hiccup away? Toothless couldn't think like that – he had sworn to protect Hiccup at the cost of his life, and he would do it, him and his child.

'Hey, baby,' Toothless growled softly, looking at Alvis with a firm but gentle look in his large eyes. The baby saw the dragon's face out of the corner of his eye, and slowly but surely, he calmed. 'You need to be quiet. Be a good boy and stay quiet so you don't get found. Do it for Daddy.'

At first, Alvis just stared at the dragon, confused, but then he bobbed his head in what looked like a nod to show he understood. He still had tears streaking down his cheeks, worried for Hiccup who by now he had imprinted on as his father, but at the very least he wasn't crying anymore.

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