7. Welcome to Selardalr Part-1

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"Really? Why not?" Asmund asked, confused. Even Raoul raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he halfway turned to face the girl.

"Because I intend to ask him myself."



Slowly, and with surprising difficultly, Hiccup opened his eyes, only to see another pair of wide, bright green eyes staring at him. If it wasn't for his condition and that feeling of heaviness still plaguing him, Hiccup could have literally jumped out of his skin, he was not used to waking up with someone staring at him; then again, no one had ever really bothered to look his way at all. Taking a few moments to let his senses reorient themselves, his somewhat blurred eyesight sharpened, seeing the eyes on a black, scaly body, and his ears could pick up on quiet moans of concern. The clues soon came together in an instant as Hiccup realized just what, or rather who, he was looking at.

"T-Toothless!" He cried out with pure relief as the Night Fury barked and cried out in a fit of joy at his riders' awakening. Toothless lifted up and lashed back his tail pinned on the Viking youth's stomach, and began hopping around Hiccup in excitement while wagging his tail, smiling his gummy smile and letting his tongue loll out like an innocent puppy. Hiccup was awake and alright, which meant they could play and fly together again; really, though, more than anything, Toothless was just glad that Hiccup was alright. He may have been thrilled at the thought of spreading his wings, but his protective instincts toward his rider would win out every time in the end.

Hiccup chuckled softly at the sight of his friend as he ran his fingers through his hair; the chuckling abruptly stopped as they felt the rough texture of cloth wrapped around his forehead. For some reason, he was wearing bandages, and after several moments of pondering why and what had happened to require them, his last few immediate memories before blacking out flashed back in an instant. Hiccup groaned as he silently cursed himself for being so stupid: of course he would need bandages, he and his dragon were shot out of the sky.

With the what and why figured out, all that was left to learn was where and how, Hiccup figured as he analyzed his surroundings. He was lying on the floor in a large bundle of straw, a fur blanket covering him and a pillow under his head. He was in a bare room with a door and window, a room not much bigger than his old one back at home. It seemed almost weak of him that the slightest aspect of his old home could make him so homesick.Perhaps this was a mistake, Hiccup thought to himself. Perhaps... perhaps it wasn't too late to turn back and go home to Berk; he could tell his dad he was captured by pirates - a legitimate enough excuse given most of the circumstances of his disappearance. His dad may have been sharper than most Vikings, but even he wouldn't have thought anything of it. Just go back, hide Toothless back in the cove, and everything would go back to the way it used to be. The way it used to be...

Hiccup shook the thoughts all out of his head; who was he kidding? That way was the whole reason he left: the lies he told and the lies told and shown to him in turn. He knew what was real, what their true thoughts were, and he didn't like it. That place was no longer his home, he reasoned: a home was supposed to be safe and comforting, and he had to be on guard every second against everyone around him who could practically be considered enemies themselves. Besides, it's not like his father would buy into any lies he tried to sell - he'd left him a note for Thor's sake! Like it or not, there was no turning back..

All thoughts of Berk aside, Hiccup still had no idea where he was. So to see if he can escape from here he tried to get up but a massive pain erupted in his chest the second he moved. He cried out loudly and Toothless gently forced him to lay back down with his head. The dragon's cooes could be obviously translated as 'take it easy.'

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