12. Get to know the people

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Compared to the emotional roller coaster that was yesterday, today was pretty normal; now that Hiccup was in better health, Syn decided to take him on a full-on tour of the village. It looked very much like Berk, with wooden houses everywhere, a Great Hall at the end of a long walkway, as well as numerous large weapons, most of which were in need of repair due to recent dragon attacks – yeah, exactly like Berk. Syn explained that Selardalr was suffering from an increase in raids, though Hiccup noted that the frequency of which was nowhere near the rate that his old home was at, probably due to Berk's close proximity to Helheim's Gate and the nest. The only real difference was the more even ground, whereas Berk's village was situated high atop cliffs and had mostly bumpy terrain, with his own house on a hill overlooking the others.

Despite the numerous similarities in look and feel, Hiccup was still very nervous to be walking around the village, even with Syn and Toothless by side. His eyes every so often would dart around looking at the villagers as they walked around the main path that ran through most of the residences. Syn continued to pull him forward a bit more forceful than he would have liked, not really helping to ease his near-shot nerves. Toothless, sensing this, would occasionally nudge his leg and look up at him with a soft croon, the message behind his actions clear: 'don't be scared.'

That's when Hiccup saw Sven, the boy from the other day in the healer's house. He was sitting on top of a mostly intact but still damaged catapult with Raoul, who was pounding a nail that Sven was holding with a hammer. Sven was simply focused on holding the nail and the wood it was connected to and paid the small group no mind, especially with Raoul's volatile temper putting his fingers at risk. Raoul himself, however, glared ferociously at Hiccup and Toothless; even though Harold had given the two the all-clear and allowed them to stay, he wasn't about to get all buddy-buddy with them. He was still waiting for when the kid turned on them and sicked his Night Fury on the village. He had voiced this suspicion to Harold earlier, but the chief had assured him it wouldn't happen; still, Raoul, like most Vikings, wasn't about to admit he was wrong.

Raoul's nasty look got him an equally nasty one from Toothless in turn, and the Viking youth quickly shrunk back in fear and turned to his work again before he could slam Sven's hand, muttering unintelligible things along the lines of 'stupid dragon.' Hiccup hardly noticed any of this, however, his attention was focused on Sven the entire time.

"Say, what's up with that Sven kid?" Hiccup asked with his eyes still on the boy. It was another one of those sudden questions he'd been asking a lot lately. Then again, he figured if he was going to be staying for an extended period of time, he might as well get to know everyone.

"Sven?" Syn said before brushing her hand away in passing. "Aw, he's Raoul's little lackey – follows him around like a little sheep everywhere. They've known each other since they were kids. Sven's nice and all, but he's pretty naïve and so detail-oriented, he's usually ignoring the obvious. He's pretty willing to cooperate with people most of the time, but that's how Raoul always takes advantage of him."

"Ouch," Hiccup said.

"Tell me about it," Syn groaned, letting go of Hiccup's hand absentmindedly. "I've tried to talk some sense into him, since Raoul is such a control freak, but he's kind of afraid of Raoul and like most others isn't willing to listen to me."

"Seems like everybody's got problems with this Raoul guy, don't they?" Hiccup said.

"'Problems' is too light a word!" Syn suddenly exclaimed irritated. "I mean just everyone thinks he's gonna be the next heir doesn't mean he can boss everyone around like he owns the place!"

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