15. A dragon raid

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Previous chapter......

Without a doubt, the one most special person he had met today… was himself. His true self.



About two months had passed since Hiccup had first arrived on Selardalr, and Hiccup had been loving every moment of it. By now any doubts the people had about him had been dispelled as he helped them to learn more about dragons; the people were amazed at what they had been able to learn from interacting with dragons in the way they had, such simple yet incredible creatures who understood the concepts of loyalty and trust.

The war still raged on beyond the Isle of Selardalr, and because of that, injured dragons appeared from time to time, some with simple cuts and bruises, some with cut wings or broken or severed limbs – the result of encounters with either vicious, prejudiced Vikings or brutish dragon trappers who captured dragons and sold them to the highest bidder or whatever employer they currently worked for. Amongst his many patrols of the island's perimeter with Toothless, Hiccup was able to find and rescue several dragons and bring them to Selardalr to heal and train.

It really wasn't that difficult, to be honest, as his training abilities had been honed to the point where any dragon fell head over heels for him within minutes – by now he had amassed a small dragon army, two Nightmares, three Deadly Nadders, two Zipplebacks, four Gronkles,a timberjack and even a Thunderdrum. He had made great progress in bringing the dragons and settling them into the village, even making them special prosthetic wings, fins and limbs as he did with Toothless to restore their flight capabilities to some degree, and the Silent Wolfs were friendly towards them; sadly, no one seemed to have the courage to go flying with them. As good as the dragons seemed to be, no one was ready to ready for as big a change as leaving the land and soaring up to the sky, a realm man did not belong to.

By now, the Skrill who Hiccup had trained had been adopted by Syn, who she named Storm and kept in the woods behind the village near her house due to his dangerous ability. The killing ring where he tamed the Skrill is now a Training Ring. And besides, a dragon needed freedom as much as they needed air. Anyway she still visited him frequently in the little nest she, Hiccup, Toothless, and Harold had crafted for him of hay and fallen trees lined up as a roof.

Aside from their rapidly transitioning way of life, nobody could help but notice that Hiccup and Syn seemed to be getting closer as the days went by. Hiccup, Alvis, and Toothless had been granted the courtesy of staying at the chief's house, where Hiccup and Syn would often stay up at night, talking about stories from their childhood, even making up crazy fantasy stories of their own with no small amount of snickering from the sheer ridiculousness of their ideas. During the day, they'd often be seen holding hands as they walked through the village, with Syn even giving him a peck on the cheek every now and again.

Syn was also becoming prettier than she was when they first met. Her hair had grown out and become slightly less tangled as it draped down to her back, and her breasts were starting to enlarge slightly. Her light blue eyes were still somewhat starling, but they shined more happily in recent times than in the aggravated way they used to or always would whenever Raoul gave her guff, which was still pretty often, even if she now never got as angry as she once did. Hiccup couldn't help but stare at her every once in a while noticing her elvish figure and wonder how she truly felt about him. He'd hate for his relationship with her to turn out like his relationship like Astrid's, if you could even call it a relationship, her hating his guts, getting irritated with him in record time, and threatening him with her axe if he even so much as spoke out of turn.

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