16. Meet a new Hiccup

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They flew past several of the villagers locked in combat with the dragons, one Viking was bashing a dragon's head with a mace, another dragon was clawing at the backside of a Viking who had tripped and fell after a clumsy charge. Harold himself had grabbed a Nightmare by the horns and was wrestling it into submission while calling out to his troops to fire the catapults at the dragons who were making their way to the food storage. But before he could finish the sentence, he and several of the others had spotted the duo in the air, circling around at top speed, so fast that his body had only seemed a blur.

That blur was still the only indication they had that the shadowed form of the Night Fury was up there with him, its streamlined black body camouflaged to near invisibility against the night sky. No one could stop staring – even after all the times they had seen the two up in the air it was still a true marvel to behold them. Pure majesty and wonder in the knowledge that something no one could even have conceived was happening in front of their very eyes.

Hiccup cupped his mouth with his right hand and let loose several different calls to the skies of Selardalr, a bird like call, a gruff rumbled roar, an exotic screech, and a massive roar. It was only a few moments after with the approaching sound of several wing beats that the multiple different breeds of dragons that he had brought into Selardalr as well as Syn's Skrill storm came from the direction of the forest. They all came and surrounded him and Toothless in the sky, and with a hand gesture from Hiccup, arranged themselves in perfect formation.

"Alright, guys, here's the plan!" Hiccup shouted ready to direct the dragons. "Zipplebacks, Nightmares and storm help fend off the attackers with us." Hiccup pointed at the dragons then to the field of enemy dragons below. He then pointed to two of the Gronkles, "you Gronkles guard the storage! Make sure no other dragons get to the food!" His attention then turned to the other two Gronkles and the three agile Nadders. "You two and the Nadders, you're on fire brigade duty, grab the wheelbarrows and any dirt you can find and dump them on the fires. Stop them before anything else gets burned down!" He gestured to the wheelbarrows below filled with water set for the villagers to use to put out the fires as soon as the dragons fled. All the dragons roared and chirped in compliance and split off to do their assigned missions, save for the timberjack who is waiting for his mission. He flew up to Hiccup expecting for a job of their own, which Hiccup took notice of.

"All right, jumbo" Hiccup mocked jokingly, "I've got a special mission for you. Take Syn and Alvis to the Great Hall and help the guards protect the women, children and elders there. I'm counting on you to keep them all safe." The look in Hiccup's eyes told the timberjack that this duty was of the utmost importance and he had to fulfill it at any cost. Of course, given how attached he was with Syn, he made no move to disagree. Despite his large wingspan, he quickly banked over to Harold's house where Syn was waiting with Alvis in her arms and landed by her doorstop, nudging her over to the Hall before flying them over by gripping Alta in his tail and taking them there himself.

Hiccup returned his attention to the fight with the Skrill, two Monstrous Nightmares above and below him and the Zipplebacks to his sides. "Okay, you guys ready to do this?" The dragons roared excitedly and bobbed their heads in the air.

With the hand gestures he'd invented to direct the dragons more easily since words were a bit trickier, he issued the Zipplebacks to launch down onto a crowd of dragons below. The left heads of each Zippleback unleashed their gas and rolled downward like large scaly wheels biting their tails as the right heads ignited the gas and turned into flaming wheels that rammed into the others, knocking them all down and rolling off the edge, then straightening themselves and flying back up for one to repeat the process. The Nightmares unleashed their fire blasts also at Hiccup's command before he clenched his fists and the Nightmares dived down as the Zipplebacks did and halted immediately to unleash massive gusts with their powerful wings. Some of the dragons, enemy Nadders, Zipplebacks, and a large pack of Terrible Terrors were knocked backwards from the force of it.The Skrill used the night cloud Thunderstorm and released his electric fire at the wild two monstrous nightmare and a deadly nadder which was try to burn some houses.

Appearing from the smog was Hiccup and Toothless, the culprits, who looped and dived back down to zoom low throughout the village, easily swerving through all the houses as they did the sea stacks on their first flight, despite the challenge of the houses being more close together. Toothless let loose more blasts as he went along, knocking down groups of dragons as he flew by with such force that some tumbled off the edges, and ascended to the air again. The Silent Wolf vikings , who had now been reduced to spectators in their own battle, cheered wildly at the duo at their quick conquest of the raiders, some of which seemed pretty impressed themselves or just simply shocked at the boy riding the most feared of their kind.

Sudden bleats and squaks alerted Hiccup and Toothless to the farm animals that were currently being carted away by the other raiders, emitting their cries in the faint hope that they would be spared the fate of others before them and be rescued. It seemed hopeless to the sheep, yaks and chickens that were being carted further away into the sky, the landmass below them growing smaller and smaller. Luckily, their prayers were answered as Hiccup let loose a new dragon call unlike the ones before: a loud, guttural roar to unleash his secret weapon against the ones that got away. And from the direction of the arena came a flash of navy blue and a similar sound to answer Hiccup's call – the Thunderdrum.

The Thunderdrum opened its massive jaws to emit its highly destructive sonic blast at Hiccup's command, trained in a way to spread the concussive sound waves in a wide range and at a specific frequency made to sound like screeching metal. The attack broke through the calamity of the other sounds charging through the night air and blasted over the other dragons. A lesson Hiccup had remembered from his first disastrous day in Dragon Training back on Berk: he had learned in a rather hands-on approach that noise was seriously disorienting to dragons. A loud sound such as hammers banging on metal shields could throw off both their aim and their flight patterns. So Hiccup figured that made the Thunderdrum especially helpful since sound was its weapon of choice.

As always, it proved to be highly effective here as seen when the dragons bobbed around in the air and shook their heads in pain to fight off the horrid noise. Their focus on this was so great they had been forced to open their claws and release the animals they had captured, which Hiccup and Toothless zigzagged through the sky to catch and place back on the island, one by one. As soon as one was safely placed, they had shot back out to catch another, catching each just as they passed the cliff level. It wasn't long before all the animals were safe and the Thunderdrum had zoomed off to join the Gronkles Hiccup had placed at the food storage to help defend their stores and scan the island for more animal abductions.

Hiccup turned his head to the flaming buildings that were being but out by the water of the wheelbarrows that the Nadders carried, repeatedly being filled up again with water from the surrounding lakes and ponds on the island. The Gronkles were helping out as well with the numerous clumps of sand they had gathered in their stubby legs and dumped on the houses the same way. He then noticed something and acted on it accordingly.

"The wind's shifting!" He shouted. "Nadders come in from the east, the flames are building up there. Gronkles, hold your positions above the houses!" He pointed and swung his fingers in the new direction and made hand signals to indicate the aforementioned orders, with Toothless barking out in tandem. The Nadders obeyed and moved accordingly while one Gronkles fanned down the flames with their rapidly beating wings and the other gathered more dirt, alternating positions with each drop. Before long over half of the fires had already been put out.

The two didn't have much time to celebrate as another gray colored Nightmare charged up at them, only to be swiftly brought down to earth again by Toothless with a prompt swing and a tail smack. Hiccup shook the sudden dizziness off just as quick as he noticed a number of dragons flying up to their position. He smirked at the sight: now was a good time to try out something new.

Zipplebacks, Nightmares, fire spirals!" He shouted, and all the Vikings looked up to him in confused surprise. 'Fire Spirals?' What was that supposed to be? It was a relatively new combination move that Hiccup discovered after experimenting with the dragons and learned how their moves and abilities worked in tandem with each other. At his sound off the Zipplebacks came down with the Nightmares flying upside down in parallel with each of them, their bellies in near contact. The Zipplebacks released their gas and the Nightmares lit their bodies on fire, and soon after they began to revolve together, the flames igniting the gas and the two pairs becoming what appeared to be two giant tornadoes of cloudy fire. The Silent Wolf vikings gasped in sheer awe as the twin twisters came charging and knocked them all away, sending them flying in multiple directions, earning another hearty cheer from the crowd down below.


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