19.why the decision was made

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Previous Chapter..

"Answer me now, Harold, what really changed!?"



Harold continued to stare, but he had managed to catch Hiccup out of the corner of his eye – the boy looked to be lost in thought about the whole matter. He didn't want him to think his efforts were fruitless, because the small army of dragons behind him proved beyond any doubt of Raoul's that they were. With a long pause, he answered, hoping his response would encourage Hiccup, 

"On that day, when I found Hiccup and his dragon in the woods, wounded from our attack, when it saw us, the Night Fury rose up instantly to protect him and his child, out of pure instinct."

Raoul's eyes widened slightly – he had never gotten all the details to the story, so imagine his shock when he heard how a dragon was protecting a human. 

"In that moment, what I saw was no monster, but a living, breathing shield. I suppose it was then that my mind was opened to a new possibility." He looked to Hiccup again, but the boy still seemed to be thinking hard.

"Listen well, Raoul, I am well aware of what my thoughts and opinions were at that time, but I am willing to accept that I was wrong in the face of everything this boy has shown us." Harold started again. "That being said, the battle between men and dragons began long before anyone here was even born – I don't expect anyone, much less a child, to change the world in a day, and neither should you." He pushed Raoul back with a meaty finger to his chest, and even with that one digit, Raoul was budged a few steps back.

At that point Raoul apparently just wanted to keep the discussion going for the sake of the argument itself, and Harold and the other villagers were more than happy to oblige. They just kept shouting and arguing, eventually skipping over tonight's raid entirely and moving on to more meaningless topics like the daily squabbles that occurred every day. Syn however, took no notice of this as she just kept staring at Hiccup, who the entire village and their complaints seemed lost to.


Hiccup was going over everything that was said and everything that had happened tonight, in comparison to everything that happened prior to it. In retrospect this was a remarkable thing, the first time in history that humans and dragons had fought together, worked together to achieve a common goal. As Raoul and Harold said, it was something that no one on either side had considered unless they had seen proof of it, and even then there were still non-believers. Some, of course, would never believe, like the people of Berk, and they wouldn't stop until humanity's collective dream of dragon genocide was realized, or until they died attempting to realize it. He thought back to his own words with the Changewing earlier, 'what was it he said?' He wanted to protect dragons, all of them, and create a world where they could be safe; it was his own dream, and because it was such, he felt it was something he had to be realized.

With that his resolve was hardened; he clenched his fists and walked away from the crowd, the dragons parting ways for him to get through his Toothless following closely behind. While Syn and Juliene just looked at each other confused. But one thing which is going on in his mind is..

One way or another, this war... had to end forever...

TO BE CONTINUED.............

sorry for the short chapter next one will be long don't worry... I never knew I could finish 3 pages in 2 to 3 days!! It's amazing 😍 even tho some parts were done before but I am glad I can upload as soon as it gets finish... Anyway stay tune for the next chapters since it will take 2 days maybe? 😅 BUT I will try my best to upload before that ...

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