17.Saving Syn's Friend

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A scream suddenly sounded off in the distance and Toothless' ears perked up at the sound of it. "What is it, bud?" Hiccup asked. But Toothless didn't answer and charged off like a shot: Hiccup wanted to help out, so he would help out. Hiccup finally got his bearings again and noticed the scene before him: a pale violet Changewing dragon with its long, spiny antennae melting into the roof of a house, where Hiccup could see a man shielding a teenage girl with short red hair from the oncoming threat.

"Gotcha. Toothless, go!" Hiccup ordered, and Toothless obeyed, diving down and emitting his trademark screech, alerting the Changewing, but not soon enough to get nailed with an extra heavy plasma blast, which knocked it down to the ground and sent it rolling off a nearby hill. By the time Toothless had landed to confront it, the Changewing had bounced back to its feet and let loose a low dangerous rumble before disappearing entirely into the background behind it. The two knew better however, it was the Changewing's own ability to blend in with its surroundings and become completely invisible. Toothless kept his ears perked up for the sound of any slight movement of the Changewing, fearing it would hurt the family inside, or worse, Hiccup.

A girl's shriek suddenly filled the air and the two instantly jerked back with enough speed to snap their necks to see the same girl they saw inside the house being held upside down with her legs tied by one of the antennas of the Changewing, looking ready to eat her.

"Juliene!" The man cried, sparking a memory in Hiccup – that was the name of Syn's friend who she said was being sheltered by her father. "Let my daughter go, you demon!" He had a flaming piece of wood in his hand, obviously a piece from his now wrecked home, and swinging it at the dragon, who jumped back and hissed at the man.

Toothless snarled at the Changewing, but Hiccup held him back. "Hold on, bud. We can't risk it hurting her." Toothless turned with a glare to Hiccup, obviously knowing what he had planned but as always not willing to take the risk. Nevertheless, he stepped back after a long moment's hesitation, allowing Hiccup to do his work. The only way was for Hiccup to tame the dragon. The man noticed him and his anger dissolved away to show the fear hiding underneath.

"You're the dragon tamer, Hiccup…" He started softly. "Please, please, I beg you, save my little baby girl! I can't lose my little Juliene!" He rambled on quickly.

"Dad! Come on!" Cried Juliene who was still hanging upside down, her face now beet red from both the rushing blood and embarrassment. Even if her current situation was not an appropriate time to be feeling the latter.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll do everything I can…" Hiccup assured. He slowly came up to the dragon, who snarled even more audibly and even began spitting acid as it approached. Even so, Hiccup, despite pausing to avoid the burning green liquid that ate through the earth and grass with a hissing steam, continued to move forward, barely even flinching. With everything he had come to learn in taming dragons, Hiccup discovered the most important thing besides discarding any aggression or hostility was to approach with confidence. Fear was just as dangerous to carry with a person as dragons could sense it like any other animal and instinctually strike back in fear themselves. Still, when a person is as scrawny as Hiccup, fear is all but natural, and Hiccup would always feel it no matter how many dragons he would ever come to train, so he took heavy breaths through his nostrils, which admittedly became smaller and smaller with each new dragon. Still, the Changewing, known for its territorial nature, was a challenge in itself.

"It's okay, it's okay…" He whispered repeatedly. The dragon still looked apprehensive, though that expression was dialing down further and further with each passing second. Still, better safe than sorry it must have though as it snapped at Hiccup a few times, causing him to finally jump back a bit. After one more shot of acid, Toothless had decided it was all he could stand and shot a quick plasma blast at the Changewing, his overwhelming fear for Hiccup's safety making him temporarily oblivious to the human hostage still swinging upside down, emitting a shriek at the surprise attack. "Toothless!" Hiccup scolded turning back, "Back off, bud, let me handle this!" Toothless barked and growled in protest, his pupils as thin as paper; one more attack on Hiccup like that from the Changewing and it was dead, he decided, regardless of whatever or whoever got in the way.

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