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This is the part 2 of the chapter GUILT , in this part we will see what the teens doing after that incident . Hope you guys like it ^U^ 


The teens watched from the steps of the great hall as their once great chief laid on the ground in a pure mess , a shell of the great man he once was, and it made them sick to their stomachs. Other children who tried to look only had their attention and their hands seized by their parents. Every face in the village had become blank and lifeless , like that of the outcast who had self-exiled himself in his anguish. It sickened them all to no end . 

Fishlegs turned to the others, Astrid and the twins, and broke the silence that had long been standing between them. "Do..... do you think we could have .... stopped it?" He solemnly asked. "I don't know. It's not like we gave him many good things to hold onto." Said Astrid, sitting on the stone rail that surrounded the steps, her hands clasped together. It was like that all day - the four of them tried hard to imagine if there had been any pleasant memories they left with Hiccup that might have convinced him to forget any plans of leaving . Granted there were some things, but everyone ended in heart-shattering betrayal for the feeble heir. It seemed Hiccup's running away was a final revenge of sorts for such things - perhaps they deserved it. 

"ya noticed how boring the place is nowadays?" Tuffnut asked out of the blue , causing Astrid ,Ruffnut and Fishlegs to turn to him in confusion. " Seriously, nothing burning or getting blown up".   "We still have those gods-forsaken dragons doing all that. Isn't it enough for you?" Astrid asked in annoyance.

"Yeah, but it was always more fun when Hiccup did it ". Tuffnut retaliated with a smile that was nothing short of insane. "I know, remember that time when that time when he got that doo-hickey that blew up the armory?" Asked Ruffnut , the female twin. "Or that time when he set every sheep in the open on fire and they set the fields burning. That was classic." Tuffnut recalled. "Ooh, don't forget when he tried to fix up that catapult and blew up Mildew's house on the other side of the hill. I almost cried ,it was so beautiful." Ruffnut said, wiping a tear from her eye at what she considered beauty in a glorious burst of flame, to which Tuffnut only cackled .

"Are you guys serious?" Fishlegs asked in utter disbelief, shaking his head. "You liked him for pretty much the same reasons everyone else hated him?"  

"hey , I didn't hear anyone complaining when Mildew's house went burning down." Tuffnut said in defense. "Well, except Mildew, but that guy complains about everything." Ruffnut continued.

Mildew was one of the oldest residents of the island , and always had something to whine about. It truly seemed as if a day was never complete without a complaint or two about something. He was never happy about anything , and he was particularly spiteful towards Hiccup, more so and more openly than anyone else. His complaints made others upset in turn, so they built. his house on the other side of the hill away from the other houses, so people could avoid him as much as possible. 

"WHO CARES ABOUT THAT STUPID OLD CODGER!" Astrid screamed at them. "We drove away our future chief, one of our own , and the only thing you miss about him is his track record of slip-ups ? You all saw him as a worm and squished him in kind ! How can you even live with yourselves!?" She pointed to Fishlegs and said ," YOU! you turned on him like a coward just because you wanted to be one of the cool kids!" Then she pointed to the twins,"YOU TWO! You chased him around with any weapon you  could find 'cause you reveled in seeing him bleed like the psychos you guys are!" 

A long pause followed her outburst as they just stared at her, at first in shock, but then in irritation. 

"Well, what about you?" Said Tuffnut with a cold sneer. "Not like you're guilt-free, little miss perfect." 

"Yeah, little miss 'messed-up-somersault-reverse-dive-tumble-thingy," Ruffnut said in vague recollection of Astrid assessment of her battle skills from weeks before, though not interested enough to care . Astrid widened her eyes in shock before narrowing them again at the dimwitted twins' challenge. "WHAT?" She growled dangerously .

"Don't play innocent, Astrid," Said Fishlegs from behind her in a quivering voice. Aside from being strong, Astrid was fierce and had a fuse as short as a knife , and had no problem pummeling him into the ground if he said anything out of line . He didn't care though - this time it was her who was out of line for even thinking that she was any better than them. "Y-You're just as much the problem as any of us. You hurt Hiccup too".

Astrid's eyes widened again so much her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets; she had forgotten, or tried to forget any role she had in Hiccup's departure, and now it was all coming back like a hammer to the face . She backed away slightly as the others turned to face her and closed in , all with angry glares , which caused her to back away more.

"It's your fault too."

"Don't think you're any better."

"He left 'cause of you."

All this and more was repeated in anger as cold glares came in on her like a pack of wolves - to Astrid, it was a waking nightmare. She couldn't take it , she couldn't believe it, her honor wouldn't let her accept that she had helped to drive a boy to such extremes. She quickly ran away from the three, not caring where her feet took her. Eventually she came to the edge of the forest, where she usually trained in preparation for the next day of dragon training. She could even see the tree with all the deep notches in it from her axe that she had carved in when she threw it to improve her speed and her reflexes. She was gasping for breath , trying to block all the voices from her head that implicated guilt , the demons inside that threatened her with memories of her crimes . She fell to her knees and just sat there- for now , she just wanted to be alone .  

It seemed the gods wouldn't have it as she heard the never-welcome sound of a voice positively oozing with vanity...


Sorry , I will make a part 3 as quick as possible . It was getting a little long so i want to make it 3 parts . so see you guys in the next part of this chapter .:);) 


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