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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


Trigger warning :[those who are sensitive they can skip this part]

Hiccup blinked and slightly opened his eyes , his surroundings as completely dark as if his eyes were still closed, save for a small bit of light coming from a barred window at the top of the stone wall he was leaning against. The light came from the crescent moon blocked by heavy snow cloud, signifying a coming storm. Yet it was still enough to reveal his location: a cold prison chamber made from mismatched stone bricks, a pile of old, moldy hay on the floor right next to him, and iron bars blocking the entrance to a hall completely surrounded with darkness. His clothes were tattered, ripped apart with terrible cuts and bruises bleeding and swelling underneath. Both his wrists were shackled with rusty chains leading up the walls. He was shuddering, and not just because it was freezing inside the desolate cell; 

He was completely alone.......

Tears were streaking down his cheeks, fresh ones covering up the dried trails of the countless ones he had  cried previously, his eyes are now red and blood-shot. Hiccup was absolutely miserable, shown by his body hanging limply in fear and sorrow. He slowly raised his head then quickly lowered it again, unable to bear the two images presented in front of him.

Toothless - his closest friend and partner, laying in a pool of his own blood. Swords, axes, arrows, all manner of weapons were sticking out of his body, his face mangled and both of his ear flaps were chopped off and his head was twisted in an unnatural position. And Alvis: sweet, little, oh-so innocent Alvis laid on the ground near the carcass of the dragon, forever silencing his cries for his new dad......

"Why? Why did you take them from me?" Hiccup quietly sobbed to no one in particular. "Why...?" 


Waking up in a panic, Hiccup bolted into half sitting position supporting himself on his elbow, wide-eyed and panting. His head whirled around in a near complete 360 degree spin, almost cracking his neck in the process: again all he saw was total darkness. He then quickly realized from the crack of sunlight in between the layers of black that he was being cradled in Toothless's large wings; the dragon insisted in pulling him in to sleep with him and keep him protected in case of any surprise attacks. The night Fury's strong heartbeat, content purring, and fluctuating chest behind him were all reassurance that what he saw was only a nightmare. Toothless was alive and he was here with him. Then he escaped Toothless's wings and crawled in front of both Toothless and little Alvis, who was still in the lean-to after being wrapped in all those blankets from last night, desperate to make sure that they were okay. to Hiccup's pure relief, they were both safe and asleep and breathing safely. No blood, no daggers - It was all just a bad dream...

With a sigh of relief, Hiccup got up and kneeled over Alvis's side and raised a finger to tickle the baby's belly, causing him to stir and giggle again. 'What a sweet baby,' Hiccup thought with a smile as he moved to tickle Alvis little foot, making him giggle more loudly. 'And he loves giggling,' Hiccup thought, and couldn't help but chuckle himself. Then Hiccup heard a slightly snorting sound from his back, he turned to see Toothless. He was awake and had his head raised slightly, giving a warm dragon's smile. 'Fondling the baby?' He seemed to ask in the form of a soft-sounding warble. "Yeah, I'm a fondler, and proud of it," Hiccup said as he picked Alvis up from the bag and cradled him in his arms.

"Alvis," hiccup said to the baby. "You, Toothless and I are all going to have some fun. And you are going to do great things, I just know it !" The baby cooed as he looked at Hiccup with wide and innocent eyes, a smile formed on his little face and its little two hands reached out to grab Hiccup's giant finger. "We can do whatever we want, I can show you blacksmithing so you can make all kinds of cool stuff, We can show go dragon riding and I can show you ho-".

Hiccup stopped in mid-sentence as an idea began to form in his mind. Dragon riding......the indescribable feeling of touching the sky, the freedom and the joy of no longer being bound to the harsh reality and the pain the world below seemed to bring. Flying with Toothless had released him from all the sorrow from his past and now it could be treasured memory, the very first thing all three of them could do together as a family. "Hey, Toothless," Hiccup said in a sly voice. "What do you say we show Alvis a good time....." The dragon flashed a smirk. 

"This NEVER EVER gets old!" Hiccup screamed into the open air as he rode Toothless along the clouds. Alvis, tied securely into the safety harness along with Hiccup and held against the teen viking, started giggling uncontrollably with glee. He may not remember this when he was older, but he was defiantly enjoying the ride. 'We can find him his own dragon,' Hiccup thought, as he looked down at the baby safely tucked in his arms. 'I can teach him how to ride it . He can be happy, and not have to live the life I lived back at that rock. We three are wild flowers now, and no one will ever bring us down again!'  Hiccup was shaken out of his thoughts immediately as a huge bolder came flying at them. Toothless roared in surprise and swerved away, missing the rock by inches due to his inability to make sharp turns.


Hiccup was so startled that he nearly lost his grip on toothless, who was frantically flapping in order to get his flight position pattern back under control. Alvis, too naive to understand what just happened, babbled in confusion.


A griff voice yelled from below, " KILL IT!! Another voice yelled. " Kill it before it kills us!!"  Hiccup looked down to the forest ground to see a group of men armed with catapults and swords and axes. It seems this island was inhabited by people after all. And it was obvious they didn't take kindly to dragons, especially his mysterious Night Fury. Then again.... who did?

More boulders came flying at them launched from the catapults, some were even lit on fire to provide extra damage. Apparently vikings never got the memo that dragon skin is fireproof, but the same thing couldn't be said about the two humans on the dragon. For most of the parts, Toothless was able to dodge everyone, but with the speed at which the rocks were launched, it had to chalked up to sheer luck....

But their luck didn't last long. One of the boulders managed to hit toothless squarely in the stomach, and sent him spiraling out of control. The force of the impact caused the safety harness to break and Hiccup went flying off, with Alvis tightly gripped in his arms.

Hiccup tried to inch toward and get back onto toothless, who was roaring in panic just as he did the last time during their first successful test flight, he couldn't reach this time. So he instead held Alvis tighter, curling into a ball and squeezing the infant against him. After the long fall, Toothless finally touched the ground really hard with Hiccup bouncing off of him and hitting his head against a nearby rock. The force of the impact knocked him unconscious. After a short struggle to stay awake , He closed his eyes as he knew he can't do anything anymore...

Sooooo... long time no see hehe.. Actually i was busy with studies and other works so i couldn't upload the chapters quickly... But since I am sick and couldn't do anything else then stay in bed so I thought of uploading the first part of this chapter .. I will try to upload the next part as soon as pawssible ;)

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