10. What a morning to start the day

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Previous chapter........

Harold smirked. "Perhaps. This boy may very well change the world one day."

"All right then, he can stay, and you are in charge of 'im, and you better not blow it, Syn. I mean it, if there's so much as one problem that the two of ya can' handle, I will personally ship him back to Berk the hard way! Am I clear?"

"Loud and clear," Syn said with a smile



Hiccup awoke to the sun shining in his eyes and the chirping of birds the next day. The long hours of sleep had given his body time to recuperate and combined with the healing herbs the healer had given him and several licks from Toothless, his injuries had nearly healed completely. He mumbled some unintelligent nonsense as the rays of sunlight broke through his eyelids and stretched his arms with a huge yawn before shrinking back immediately. He was mostly healed but his body was still very stiff from lying around so much and some final lingering pains.

He had been at Selardalr for a while, about a few weeks to be exact, even if most of that time was spent in Syn's room, since he was still in no condition to move around, Syn even had to help him up to her room that first night. But while he hadn't been around anyone else for much of that time and hadn't seen much of the village, Hiccup could tell he liked Selardalr. It may have suffered raids like Berk, but it was far more peaceful and people seemed a bit friendlier than the rough and tumble attitude of most other tribe. From what Harold had said, they were somewhat looked down because of that, but nobody really cared. Maybe he could stay a while longer...

Hiccup's peaceful mood was ruined when Syn, out of her pajamas and dressed in her usual attire, came barreling from out of nowhere to where he was laying right in his line of sight with an inappropriately loud;


Hiccup jumped and got tangled in his blankets, fidgeting and wrestling with the sheets until falling out of the bed a few moments later. "Oh, don't ever do that again!" He shouted. "Was that even necessary?!"

"Probably not" Syn admitted sweetly with a bright smile. She backed away to let Hiccup regain his bearings and sit back onto the bed.

'Well, you're in a good mood today," Hiccup observed with a groggy glare as he rubbed his head in the spot where it had collided with the floor.

Syn giggled. "Guess you could call me an early bird," she said. "Most of the village isn't awake yet at this time. It's not really that hard to be in a chipper mood when no one's awake to annoy you and you have a few hours to yourself."

"Then shouldn't you be quiet?" Hiccup asked in a growling whisper. "Isn't your father still asleep?"

"I said most of the village is asleep," Syn stated. "Dad's one of the only ones awake."

"'Cause he's the chief?" Hiccup questioned. Since his father often woke up early due to being chief.

"Probably." Syn shrugged he shoulders. "I can't figure out any other reason why a grouchy riser like him'd be up at the crack of dawn. Speaking of that, stay up here for a while. He gets pretty cranky when he wakes up and it takes all morning for him to calm down. You probably haven't noticed because you've been recovering."

Hiccup chuckled. "I can relate to that."

"What do you mean?" Syn asked.

"Well, whenever anybody, me usually, tries to wake my dad up, he grabs the nearest weapon and tried to chop their head off! It happens so often he thinks I like it or something!" Hiccup never got an answer to his question as Syn just burst into laughter at his response. He simply shook his head at how easily the girl seemed to get sidetracked.

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