8. Who Are ya, boy?

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Previous chapter....

"Get off her!" Syn's father shouted, before a horrifying shriek turned his attention to Toothless, who looked ready to rip Raoul to pieces.



While Syn's father grabbed Toothless by the tail and pry him away from the two fighting teens, Sven tried to separate the two in question, even stopping his rain of insults just to tell Raoul to get off, but to no avail. In the midst of it all, Hiccup had been completely forgotten; he just sat there on the floor like an idiot, completely silent, with no clue what to do as the chaos continued before him with no visible end in sight.

Hiccup clenched his fist and gripped the sheets on top of him in anger; he was really starting to hate this Raoul person. He reminded Hiccup of Snotlout, from the pompous attitude to the way he just yelled every sentence like he was the boss of everyone. It was exactly as Syn called: Raoul was a total jerk, and his atrocious behavior called back dark memories of how his pitiful excuse for family treated him as no such thing, torturing him every day of his life since they were five years old. He remembered how hurt he'd been one day in particular, when Snotlout told him of his name's true meaning: he said that 'Hiccup' meant 'accident,' a name given to the runt of any litter, and how it meant everyone, even his father, considered that he should never have been born. He remembered crying as he ran into the woods as Snotlout's cruel, arrogant laughter followed him all the way.

No way would Hiccup just let that guy hurt Syn; she was his first - and only - human friend that he had in a long time, and frankly, no one deserved the suffering that he had gone through, that people considered a favor to him so he would eventually cast aside his stupid interests and hobbies and finally start accomplishing things that were important. Either that or they just didn't really want to care. His mind was made up. With some difficulty due to still being in pain, Hiccup stood up, leaning against the wall with both his hands, quickly growing dizzy from his movement as he wobbled on his feet. Gathering every spare breath he could in his tiny lungs and looking as in-charge as possible, Hiccup screamed until his face turned beet-red with a voice that could have only been inherited from his father....


His voice echoed through the walls of the wooden hut as the shambolic scene before him practically froze in time. Raoul and Syn had stopped wrestling, Sven had his hands on Raoul's shoulders but stopped trying to pull them apart, Toothless stopped swatting Luis, and Syn's father stopped trying to get Toothless away while his hands were still gripping Toothless' tail. Even Alvis had silenced his crying, but was still whimpering - the only sound that could be heard in the whole room. Everyone was silent as death, and everyone was staring at him with pure shock on their face. Hiccup was not used to getting attention like this and in any other situation he would have cowered and shrunk back at the fact that all eyes and ears were on him now, but he was irritated as Hel, even more than Raoul when he first came in - too much so to even care.

"Thank you!" Hiccup shouted aggravatingly.

More staring, even flinching from the two boys and Toothless. Syn's father just continued to stare, more in surprise and interest than the slight amount of fear in everyone else.

"Okay, this is incredibly stupid!" Hiccup yelled, waving an arm in exasperation. "Have you people ever tried talking things out?!" No one said anything.

"Syn's father, whatever your name is, let go of my dragon!" Hiccup instructed. "Toothless, come here."

Toothless trudged over quickly until he was right by Hiccup's side with his head bowed and his tail literally between his legs, looking up with Hiccup with a slight amount of fear. He had never heard Hiccup speak with such command in his voice before and quite frankly, it wiped away any feeling of self-pride and somewhat forced Toothless to look at Hiccup like he was his 'master.'

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