9. He is different than anyone

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Previous chapter........

"My name is Harold," he said. "I am chief of the Silent Wolf Tribe."



After a long and incredibly awkward conversation about why Hiccup was on Selardalr with a dragon as a steed with Syn's father, Harold the Maximus, which included no shortage of small arguments between Syn and Raoul, Syn moved Hiccup over to hers and let him sleep in her room. Syn was pretty sure, which was more than could be said for any of the other vikings of the Silent Wolf Tribe, that Hiccup meant no harm and was trustworthy, and there was no way she was going to let him sleep in the healer's house alone where anyone, Raoul especially, could attack him or Toothless out of fearful hostility. At least if she witnessed anyone hurting him while he was with her, she had some authority to order them imprisoned and/or executed, even though everyone knew she would change her mind at the last minute as she always did. Besides, it was her tribe who shot him down and injured him and his companions; she figured this was the easiest way to say sorry.

Hiccup, uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping in someone else's bed, especially a girl's and the one who'd been so kind to him, slept on the floor with the same pillow and blanket from before. Alvis slept in a small pile of blankets nearby in some of the hay that had been brought over from the healer's house. Toothless, meanwhile, was asleep outside on the porch: Syn was pretty sure that her father wouldn't want a dragon - a Night Fury, no less - to be inside the house and, to be honest, she wasn't exactly on board with it either. Although opposed to her father's dread that Toothless would kill the two of them in their sleep in a rather graphic manner, Syn herself was just worried he might break something. At first, Toothless wouldn't have it; he was already on edge when Hiccup was unconscious, and the fact that he was going to be akin to a prisoner inside the house of the island's chief drove the dragon mad with concern. So Syn had to have Hiccup reassure Toothless as he was clawing and banging at the door to get inside that he would be fine. Toothless eventually settled down and agreed to their conditions, but made sure to stay directly below the window to Syn's room in case anything happened; Syn had brought him a blanket however, so at least he would be comfortable.

Syn was getting ready for bed. Hiccup was already asleep and Alvis was quietly babbling in his baby language clearly saying that he wasn't ready to follow his father's lead. She was changing into her pajamas after getting a warmed bottle for yak milk to put the baby to sleep and getting ready to turn in for the night when she heard voices downstairs. Wearing nothing but white nightgown which touches her mid-calf with poet sleeves. She wore no shoes and left her hair down from her ponytail which she had before. Syn quietly crept her way out of her room and hid at the top of the steps, listening.

One of the voices was obviously her father, and as always, he sounded serious. Syn guessed that the other person was Asmund, the Viking who along with Raoul told her to get away from Toothless when they were outside earlier - thinking about it, he was probably the one who called for her father to come to the hut since at the time he was halfway across the village. He was her father's best friend and the village's resident blacksmith. He did care for Syn, but sometimes it seemed the man trusted her just as little as everyone else.

"-What do you make of it, Harold?" Asmund was saying.

Harold sighed. "I don' know, Asmund. He seems ta be tellin' the truth, but with that dragon, 'm honestly not sure."

Surprise, surprise, Syn thought. Her father did whatever he could to protect her and the village, but he could be a bit of an air-head sometimes, no matter how tough he acted, most times too blind to see what was right in front of him. Like all Vikings he was stubborn in that regard, but Syn called it just plain stupidity.

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