29. The damage

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All the dragons jerked their heads up to notice a large Timberjack and another skrill approaching the island, with, to the dragons' shock, several humans riding on their back. Toothless recognized them as Syn and the other teens from Selardalr. He assumed they must have followed them here a while after Hiccup and he had taken off for the nest. storm and the Timberjack landed on the shore of the beach, sweeping away the ashes and pebbles gathered in that spot. The teens clambered off of him, Syn rushing towards him and Hiccup while the others only stood taking in the scenery.

"What the heck happened here?" Leif asked, noticing the giant hole in the side of the volcano and the rocks piled everywhere.

"I'd say Toothless wasn't too keen on finding an entrance..."Juliane guessed.

"Are you kidding? No way Toothless did that going in!" Sven exclaimed pointing to the hole. "I'd say something else did... coming out..."

"Well, what could possibly have done that? Some super-mega dragon?" Leif asked.

"Ah, well..." Sven sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "It's a distinct possibility...?"

"Forget the hole in the wall, take a look around, morons!" Raoul shouted. They turned to find him staring face to face at the army of dragons circling them. Everyone yelped in panic and huddled together – even their Chief wouldn't survive against this many!

"Well, Mr. Viking Prodigy!?" Leif quietly chastised to Raoul while nervously gritting his teeth. "You wanna do something?"

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! YOU THINK I CAN TAKE ON THIS MANY!?" Raoul blurted out. The dragons flinched at the loud volume, some wanted to defend but still found themselves spinning at everything that happened with Hiccup.

"Great, thanks for shouting, Raoul. Now we'll be dead a whole 5 minutes faster!" Juliane complained.

They simply shut their eyes, expecting the attack that would bring their end, praying Valhalla would grant their souls passage. But after an eternal moment of waiting... nothing. Sven cracked open an eye to see the dragons were still there, just watching them showing no signs of attacking.

"Hey... guys? Shouldn't we be dragon food right about now?" He asked.

"If my understanding of Viking history is correct, then yes." Leif sarcastically pointed out. "Then again, Hiccup's pretty much been turning history on its head ever since he showed up."

Raoul still had his eyes shut waiting for death; it was true he had started to think a little better of dragons thanks in no small part to the flight over here on timberjack, but that didn't mean he was now a dragon lover. In fact he was just waiting for the dragons to show aggressive behavior and confirm that Vikings had it right all along. He wanted to show up Hiccup and prove that he was the one that everyone should have listened to all along. He had honestly had enough of the fishbone undermining his authority and gaining favor in the process. Leif had been grasping his shoulder and shaking him to snap him out of it, but the young prodigy gave no response.

"I guess they aren't going to attack. Maybe Hiccup tamed them all before we got here; gotta say, he works fast!" Juliane cheerfully spoke with her hands on her hips in pride.

"You think Hiccup did this? I don't know." Sven argued timidly. "As good as he is with dragons, I don't think even he could tame this many in such a short amount of time."

"You sure about that?" Leif argued while still shaking Raoul. "He's got some real charisma when it comes to dragons. He probably only needed to tame a few and the rest just... I don't know, came around."

This is where I belong ||httyd fanfic||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora