25.The end of the Queen

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Hiccup and Toothless dropped themselves from the sky down to their feet to catch their breaths, the island's ground littered with several coals that made it shift beneath Toothless's claws. To gain a better footing he leaped back to a large black stone that was protruding from near the shore of the island, shaking his head to regain his senses. It was a short period of mental preparation for him and Hiccup, reevaluating their strategy for defeating the imposing beast that now towered over them. The Queen's head seemed leagues above, shadowed in contrast by the bright grayed clouds of smoke and air swirling around in the sky.

The few remains of the cavern wall she had just emerged from rolling down her rough, jagged scales in trails of rock and dust. Her six eyes seemed to be glowing red with vehemence as she stared down at the two who had left her kingdom in ruins, eliminating her slaves and raised their claws towards her. The promise of a merciless and agonizing death shone in those eyes – they would burn before her, of that she was sure of.

The Queen's rage had actually reawakened something in Toothless, something he had been sure to snuff out before going into the nest: fear. That instinctual terror he and all other dragons experienced when met with the Queen's visage and laid subject to her wrath. He would not give her the pleasure of hearing him whimper or whine – he was a warrior of the sky, he had always been, but his legs couldn't help but feel weak and wobbly and his breathing became quick and erratic. He could almost hear the siren song of hypnosis that the Queen used to control her subjects playing in his mind, turning his vision black and bringing him back to her side, back to that hell; the spell that had long held near absolute control over him until Hiccup shot him down and he regained his free will. Toothless raised a paw and began to back away a little, catching Hiccup's attention and causing him to brush his dragon's head with a few gentle strokes of his hand.

"Easy, bud. I got you; I'm not gonna let her have you or any of the others ever again. We can do this, you and me, together." Hiccup reassured.

The words, or tone, or some mixture of the two had managed to get through to Toothless and he stood tall, proud, and strong again. What did he have to fear? He was the Night Fury, feared by all dragons; standing supreme in speed, agility, intelligence, and accuracy, no other dragon could compete with him, and no Viking could so much as touch him. But Hiccup's words rang through his head suddenly, and something dawned on him right then and there – the real reason for the strength he now held, it wasn't because of his abilities or his reputation, but rather, something else. Hiccup.

That boy on his back was his strength.

Ever since Hiccup had crafted the tail and they had learnt to fly together, or maybe even as far back as the moment they had first touched in that cove and learned to trust one another, a moment that seemed almost lifetimes ago, did Toothless realize that something was missing in his life. The infinite sky was always his to own, to bask in its beauty, but now he had someone to share it with, someone to enjoy that exhilarating happiness that could only be found in embracing a world where anything seemed possible. That hope, that joy, that feeling of friendship that came from the boy who had defied everything he knew in order to help a creature that could so easily killed him had stirred something within him. A power unlike anything he had ever felt – it made his wings beat faster, his fire burn hotter, his mind think clearer than ever before. Toothless knew beyond any kind of doubt now – so long as Hiccup was by his side, he could do anything; that power was infinite.

And he would use every bit of it to protect the human whose heart he shared and make his dreams for their worlds a reality.

The Queen fired the first attack – she opened her maw and out from within came a massive, billowing plume of flame that melted and incinerated the rocks it touched. In a split-second of each other, Hiccup switched the pedal and engaged the tailfin while Toothless jolted up into the air, avoiding the blast of fire completely. Hiccup turned back to watch as the fire seemed to even burn away the water reaching the shore. A huge cloud of smoke and steam was created from the gust of heated wind that the Queen's stream of fire had emitted, and large embers of flame were dropping down upon Hiccup and Toothless, forcing the two to fly around and behind the great monstrosity.

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