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The night fury was worried sick, pacing back and forth in front of the wooden home with grass roof . Hiccup was inside and have been unconscious for a long time now, exactly how long ... Toothless doesn't know . For dragons, time is an inconsequential thing - their lifespans measure quite differently compared to the humans that they had been fighting for so long . All he knew is that the viking who carried his boy into the house didn't allow him inside the house no matter how much he tried - it took ten of their strongest warrior just to force him out the door. Toothless needed to protect Hiccup.

The village they were in didn't look all that different from most others he had seen, wooden houses sprawled out like dots on the hills, lots of big weapons and even bigger vikings, and animals roaming all around. The people in this village freaked out when they saw him walking into the village.The only person who didn't look surprised was this little old lady with a long staff (Toothless guessed she was the village elder), like she was expecting something like this to happen eventually.

Since he is not allowed to go in,he countered by laying in front of the door and making sure no one, no one, else went in while Hiccup was there.

'We're not staying long,' Toothless continued to growl to himself. 'As soon as Hiccup is well enough to get around on his own, I am taking him and the hatchling and getting us the HELL out of here!

"I have never seen a daddy dragon before.." said a voice.

'Oh no,' Toothless groaned. 'Not again.'

Toothless lifted his head from Alvis to see a teenage girl staring at him.

She was pretty, Toothless guessed. At least she was prettier than more of the Viking women he had seen in the past. She had light brown wavy hair with light blue eyes. She was easily taller than Hiccup, but only by about two-in-a-half inches. She was small, but she was strong, Toothless could tell. She wore a simple pair of black pants, a simple blue, short-sleeved shirt, a black, long sleeved fur coat, even though it was summer, and brown boots. She had a bow and quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder, and a big bag in one of her hands. She looked like a simpleton, but also dangerous.
He sniffed at her. She didn't seem to mean any harm.

But he wasn't taking any chances. The Night Fury growled and bared his teeth at the girl, hoping she'd be smart and get lost.

But she was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid, because she started to advance. Slowly, like Harold, but she was still moving towards him.

Toothless covered Alvis with his wing as the baby babbled in confusion.

The girl then dropped her arrows to the ground.

Toothless stared at her.

Okay, so she was brave. Similar to his and Hiccup's first meaning, the girl kicked her arrows aside, showing Toothless that she meant no harm.

Toothless toned down the glare and gave her the cute look he gave Hiccup when he threw his knife to the side.

She chuckled and grinned at Toothless. Then she carefully dragged the bag she had over. Toothless studied her movements carefully.

"I figured you'd be hungry, so I brought you something to eat." Then she turned the bag over on it's side and fish came pouring out.

Toothless gave her a weird look.

"Hey, waiting for an answer when someone who's close to me is hurt always make be beyond hungry," She said. "'Course, that's a little backwards since most people can't think of eating when someone they care about is hurt... Oh, never mind. Just eat."

'This girl can't make up her mind,' Toothless mumbled. But he slowly scooted over to the bag, sniffing it cautiously.

"The fishermen had a bunch of fish left over, so I figured I'd give them to you. Nothing special, really."

Toothless looked over at her.

"My name is Syn. Pleased to meet you. What are you staring at?"

Toothless just started to eat.

Syn smirked. "So you're the dragon everyone's fussing about? Cool! No one's ever seen a Night Fury before."

'What's with this girl?' Toothless wondered as he chewed on a cod fish. 'She talks too much, and she's unafraid. When Hiccup first met me, he was petrified.'

"I managed to eavesdrop on Dad and the healer's conversation from the window on the other side of the house," Syn said. "You friend is gonna be okay, but he has a concussion and an injury in his chest."

'I noticed,' Toothless growled in relief. 'But at least he's going to be alright.'While Toothless was eating, Syn taking something out of her coats, moved in toward Alvis.

Toothless growled loudly and tightened his wing around the baby. Syn pulled out the thing she was taking out.

A baby bottle?

Toothless gave her a look of confusion. He'd never seen a baby bottle before."Oh, come on!" Syn pushed. "That baby must be starving! And not that I think about it, why isn't he being checked out by the healer too since he has a little cut on his left cheek?"

'I am barely tolerating him to take care of Hiccup! Give me a break!' Toothless quite literally barked.

Syn mimicked Toothless's speech, making weird barking noises similar to his.

'Oh, REAL mature,' Toothless rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Who ever said I was mature?" Syn asked, only guessing what Toothless wanted to say.

"SYN!" Someone roared. Both Toothless and Syn jumped in surprise before turning over to see who had shouted. In the commotion, Syn dropped the bottle to the ground, though luckily it was sealed tight to prevent the contents from spilling on the ground and costing Alvis a much-needed meal.

To Be Continue...

Hi guys! Long time no see.. I know my publishing chapters is slow but I have a reason for it which is my studying and giving exams and practicals to participate in the last important exam for entering collage.. I am giving an exam.. but since it's been long and I have written it before the exam started so I published it... Plz forgive my late uploads for this book..

The next part will take time to be uploaded.. And I will give a side page of my OC and their introduction so you guys won't be confused...

So that's it.. Stay safe and sound 💕 BYE~~

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