11.What is your full name?

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Enjoy this chapter....


It took the better part of the morning since the spot of Hiccup's almost fateful meeting with the people of Selardalr was on the other side of the island, but they eventually managed to reach Hiccup's original campsite and collect all his equipment. Why they had taken so long to get it, Hiccup had no idea, but at the very least, no wild animals had gotten into his stuff and everything was still intact. After taking it back to Syn's, they returned to a little ways past the edge of the forest and decided to just lay on the grass and stare up into the clouds. With a rather sly glance at Hiccup beforehand, Toothless took off to a nearby lake to hunt for fish, giving the two some much needed privacy. It was quite peaceful at the moment, they were far enough from the village that the only sound that could be heard was the chirping of birds; the sky was near cloudless, which considering standard weather conditions in the Viking Archipelago was very rare indeed.

It was so calming that Hiccup nearly fell asleep if it weren't for a nagging part of his mind telling him he'd had enough sleep. The silence between the two of them was broken when Syn turned to him, Hiccup being alerted to it by the soft rustling of the grass.

"What's your full name?" Syn asked out of the blue.

"Hmm?" He turned his head to look her back in the eyes.

"Remember when we first met," Syn said. "And you said that you thought my full name was better than yours? Well, prove it - what's your full name?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, you really don't want to hear it." He said turning his head back slightly and nervously glancing at her. "Jus-Just take my word for it. The first name's lame enough, so let's just say you win the name game and leave it at that." He tried to joke and even threw in a nervous chuckle at the last part, hoping she would just drop her little interrogation altogether.

Syn just sat up partly on her forearms hugging her elbows; luckily for Hiccup, she didn't see the faint blush of embarrassment on his face. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I do want to hear it, so I think I'll hold out on that medal, if you don't mind. Now come on, out with it."

"Fine." Hiccup sighed. "It's Hiccup..." His voice trailed off to a mere mumble of words too quiet and too mashed up to discern.

"Uh, didn't quite catch that." Syn chuckled.

Hiccup growled in his throat. "It's Hiccup Horr..." He trailed off again.

"Hiccup what?" Syn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." Hiccup blurted it out so quick and loud his face turned red. It was a combination of both the force and the embarrassment that came with it.

Syn paused before taking it in before covering her mouth to keep from laughing. Still, she couldn't restrain a loud snicker that managed to slip out. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I know, real charming," Hiccup deadpanned sarcastically, still blushing. "You'd think after Hiccups one and two, I'd be a little more lucky. Then again I could have been named after some less pleasant bodily noise or function, so there's always that."

Syn laughed out loud that time, laying back down on the grass and even rolling around a little. "I am so, so sorry."

Now it was Hiccup's turn to laugh. "Then how come you're laughing?"

Syn calmed down and shrugged. "I don't know. The gods do strange things."

Hiccup closed his eyes and sighed, his blush gone and his happy face removed as if their previous talk about his name had never occurred. "Understatement of the century. I gotta wonder sometimes why they hate me so much."

That got her attention - anyone who could say something like that had some serious issues. With that, she propped herself up on her elbows. "Why would they hate you?"

"Well, look at me!" Hiccup exclaimed bitterly. "Stuck on an island where the only way you get any respect or even halfway decent treatment is if you're as big as a house and here I am as small as a bug. And never once did anyone bother to turn and look to my level. 'Cept Gobber..." Hiccup mumbled the last part.

"Who?" Syn asked. She was trying to keep it under control but deep down she wanted to smack him in the face. She hated the fact that someone like Hiccup would think so lowly of himself, and came to hate the people that would put such thoughts in his mind. Of course, put them in for as long as the Berkians did, and anyone would believe them to be fact.

"Uh, nobody," Hiccup said quickly. "Back to the point. I mean, me and my father rarely ever made eye contact and in those rare moments we did, it was like all he needed was one nasally word to get him to turn to the mead right then and there." It was then that Hiccup puffed out his chest as far as it went and deepened his voice in an attempt to impersonate his father, curling his fingers to represent holding an imaginary mug of the thick, bitter alcoholic drink he could never understand why the adults liked: "By Odin's beard, why couldn't this kid be built with an off switch? 14 years of 'this' and I'm about ready to ship myself off to the edge of the world 'n take the plunge. I swear Loki's trying ta pull a fast one on me, saddling me with some talking fishbone in place of a real Viking and SHAMING THE HADDOCK NAME!"

He screamed out at the end, his voice pained; who could say if it was truly what his father actually though, but with that line of his spoken in Hiccup's spot in the forge still playing in his mind, Hiccup guessed it was fairly accurate. "So, yeah, the gods hate me. Everyone hates me. Big surprise."

That was all she could stand; Syn yanked Hiccup by the shirt collar without any warning and glared at him. "Hiccup, look at me." She said in the most controlled voice she could muster. Hiccup, confused and intimidated, did as instructed.

"If I ever, ever, hear you say that stuff again, I will slap you into next week!" She exclaimed, slightly shaking him by the collar of his tunic. "You can't think that just because you're the odd one out the gods hate you! Everything you and they think is wrong with you because it's different is exactly what makes you all kinds of awesome! In fact, you're hands down the most amazing person I've ever met! I mean, come on, anyone who can train a dragon, a Night Fury, no less, has got to have something right with them!" By now, she moved her hands to grab his arms in a reassuring fashion. "You took a chance that no one else did and can do something that no one else can, I'd say that makes you ten times as great as any man alive! If they can't appreciate you and everything you have to offer, it's their loss!"

Hiccup was staring incredulously at her the whole time and blushing bright red by the end of her pep talk; suddenly he couldn't look Syn in the eye and even felt as though he couldn't breathe. Did she really mean that? The whole thing was quite foreign to him - it was the first time in his life he'd ever heard such words of encouragement, a lifetime of the opposite causing him to base his own self-worth on what others thought of him. He was desperate for approval, but his efforts always seemed to fall short, and everyone who saw knew it would result as such; perhaps, in retrospect, that was why he failed so often, because no one, not even himself, believed he could succeed.

He glanced back and for a moment, it was like he was looking at Toothless rather than Syn, and Hiccup subconsciously knew why. Syn was speaking in words what Toothless had always spoken through looks and actions - that he was greater than he believed himself to be. Hiccup was intelligent, creative, daring, and kind, and it was those defining traits that made him special, not in a way that just separated him from the norm, but made him stand out from the crowd. They wanted him to see in himself what they saw in him: some part of him he didn't even think existed, someone who could stand tall, speak proud, and defy imagination itself had he the confidence to do so.

Syn's words awoke a small spark of that confidence in Hiccup, and allowed him a brief glimpse of that hidden piece of him. And he truly liked what he saw.

"T-Thanks Syn," He stammered after a long pause, enough for the blush to slightly disappear. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. You're probably the most amazing person I've ever met."

"Why thank you!" Syn smiled. Once again, Hiccup thought, her eyes didn't seem quite as scary as before.


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