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So this is part 3 of the chapter . And this chapter will be focus on Astrid and Snotlout . What is it that snotlout want to say to Astrid . I hope you guys like it ^U^


"Hey babe." He called out from behind her, bringing a snarl to her face - god how she hated it when he called her that. "What's a delicate flower like you doing in a scary face like this?" 

"Go away, snotlout. I'm seriously not in the mood right now." Astrid replied.

"Aw , but if i leave, who will be here to protect you?" Snotlout said while flexing his arms in the annoying way he always did . Gods, Astrid thought, did this boy have any redeeming qualities? He was arrogant, egotistical, spoiled, and stupid: Why was it that everyone could see it but him?

"The only thing I need protection from is YOU!" Astrid shouted while bouncing back to her feet. "When will you get it through your thick skull that i'd rather jump off a cliff and be a dragon feed than be your girlfriend."   "Mm-hmmm" Snotlout said in thought, though it was perfectly clear that the comment, like all of Astrid's insults, blew over his head once again. "Astrid, what do you see when you look at this?" 

"You do not want me to answer that question....." Astrid deadpanned. "You're right - I think we both know what the obvious answer is." Snotlout replied with a smirk, all though his and astrid's definitions of 'obvious' were entirely different. "Then let me ask: What should you see when you look at this?" 

Astrid raised her eyebrow at the second question. Just where was Snotlout going with all of this? Knowing him, probably another hour-long 'Snotlout is awsome' rant.

"Your future husband and a chief!" Snotlout exclaimed in full conceited excitement. 

"WHAT?!" Astrid shrieked.

"That's right - Stoick's gonna announce it once he gets over 'what's-his-face.' I'm gonna be the next chief since I'm the only other heir Berk's got. Finally , this place is gonna have the great chief it deserves. And if that isn't enough good news for ya, my dad is gonna be offering your parents a marriage contract, and I think we both know what they're gonna say." 

"Well, do you know what I'm gonna say." Astrid muttered darkly before turning to him in full-on rage. "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!" Even if spitelout was related to the chief and could offer the Hofferson clan great wealth for accepting in the contract and giving snotlout Astrid's hand in marriage, there was no way in Hell she would go along with it . As far as she was concerned , death would have been more pleasurable experience than living in the same house with him for the rest of her life and worse, forced to bear his children. 

"Come on, we both know you want this." Snotlout said leaning in as if he was about ready to kiss her. Yeah, not gonna happen. 

"Let me tell you what I want- for you to take a hint and get a life!" Astrid shouted as she pulled out her axe again and strode towards Snotlout, Who backed away in intimidation from from the look of murder on her face. "And here's why: One, I'm a shield-maiden, that's how it's always been and that's why it's gonna stay - no stinking way would I be reduced to serving you food on a platter and washing your putrid socks! Two, as if I could ever be with someone who could cast aside his own family so easily just so he could get what he wanted. 'What's-his-face?' Do you even care about Hiccup at all? Did you ever?"

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