26. The change in teens perspective

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Storm flying over the ocean calmly but fast, along the same path Toothless had traveled earlier, with Syn while the other teens perched atop of the timberjack's back, carrying rope, medicinal herbs and bandages, and of course their weapons. They had been flying for a while now, a few hours actually but Storm and the timberjack wasn't sure exactly, nor were his human passengers, who he had no trouble carrying. What was of concern to the

Timberjack, though, was that as far as they had traveled, and by now they had already reached the thick cloud cover surrounding the nest, was that he no longer heard the Queen's call ringing in his mind and pulling him in. The tyrannical beast had always used her siren spell to guide her subjects back to the nest with their offerings to her; had something happened to her? Granted, he had absolutely no love for her, no dragon did – they obeyed out of fear that she would eat them and fear alone, but it seemed now that her appetite had passed somehow, and that was a concerning thing.

The teens, however, paid no mind to their dragons chauffer's suspicion, in fact they appeared to have forgotten the task at hand completely – they were to absorbed, spellbound actually, by the sights and feeling of being miles up in the air. The rushing wind, the endless infinity of blue everywhere around them, the overpowering freedom that seized every waking piece of them – it was indescribable, beyond any coherent thoughts other than that for the first time, they felt truly alive. Was this what Hiccup had felt every time he rode upon Toothless, with each turn, each flap, each trick? They had been so cautious towards the dragons that Hiccup had tamed and invited into Selardalr, they never would have guessed they were turning away from what was perhaps the greatest experience in their young lives. The others were looking at every point in the sky, smiles as wide as the sea beneath them, laughing, gasping, and bouncing like little babies. Syn seemed to be the only one still focused on their current objective, something that was surprising as even the grump of the litter Raoul couldn't help but crack a grin.

"OH! Can you believe we're on a dragon!?" Juliene laughed. "Look at us, we're so high up!" She looked down to the sea: anyone else would have felt a bit dizzy at the altitude, but Juliene could only pant and giggle seeing the waves beneath.

"This. Is. Beyond. Awesome!" Leif yelled. "We really missed out – to think we could've been flying them all this time!"

"Oh! Look at that cloud over there! It's so fluffy!" Juliene pointed.

"Yeah, fascinating. Of course I'd be more interested if it didn't look like every other cloud!" Raoul shouted, his standard scowl returned for a moment to shout at the other girl. Juliene only scowled back.

"So stab me! I'm just caught up in the moment – don't pretend you aren't!" She argued. When Raoul couldn't give a response back, she smirked and stuck out her tongue at him, getting a growl for her immaturity.

"Hiccup really has it good, doesn't he – he sees this kind of stuff every day. Maybe when we get back we can pick out our own dragons." Sven added in, his normal timidity completely forgotten.

"Aw, yeah!" Leif answered. "No offense to you guys, but I'm so ready for a solo ride on my own dragon!"

"I've actually got a dragon in mind already…" Juliene whispered, her mind straying to the thought of a particular Changewing.

Raoul snorted and crossed his arms. "Well, whatever dragon you pick, I guarantee it won't hold a candle to my choice!" He said proudly, but everyone only stared at him in surprised silence. "What!?"

"You actually want a dragon?" Sven asked.

"After you were ready to kill Hiccup's Night Fury and went on that warmongering tirade last week?" Leif asked.

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