50.New member of the family

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Mere hours remained until the dawn arrived, yet the insanity of the night brought forth by Selardalr's unexpected and now recently departed guests had yet to subside. Now, nearly every citizen was out and about, most dressed in their undergarments without a scrap of armor to protect them, others already bared to the teeth. The dragons circled above in the panic of things, expecting an imminent attack while keeping their eyes peeled on the village ground. Every sound of nature from the wind to the seas was drowned out in a cacophony of frantic roars and grumpy shouting.

In these moments, it would have naturally been expected of an island's chief to show fortified serenity, to be the calm that soothed the storm. Since the day he had heard he was unanimously elected to be Selardalr's new chief, Hiccup had long trained to keep his nerves under control, to abandon his reckless streak and learn to think and act with rationality and with patience. His daredevil habits of flying with Toothless, most believed, would have long helped to steel his nerves and make him the leader Selardalr needed him to be.

But what was now pacing with breakneck speed right outside the healer's hut was not Hiccup the chief. It was Hiccup, the expectant father.

The young chief's mind was an absolute mess, between trying to quash the anger of seeing his old tribesmen again and holding in the anxiety of Syn's pregnancy for the last near hour. More or less, it had become a balancing act, neither emotion able to be controlled or quelled. It all seemed so scripted, he thought with oozing sarcasm, like the gods had written some hilariously dramatic tale with him as the main character, dealing with one tribulation/headache after another. And now, with his wife in the healer's hut and time dragging on as he awaited precious word, the tale had all but reached its climax. It was no doubt confirmed now – the gods did truly hate him.

The warriors and dragons all caught him and Toothless waiting by the door and quickly ran up to investigate. Once Harold had found out the shocking truth, a groove had begun to wear into the ground thanks to what was now two men's pacing. Even Toothless was a bit anxious to hear about his rider's hatchling, wriggling his whole body and licking his own muzzle in anticipation. For the black dragon, the seconds were spent just as divided between watching Hiccup and his father-in-law pace in worry to finding a new hole in the wall to peek through and see what was happening inside without some random human blocking his view every second.

The sounds of muffled pained screams snapped Hiccup out of his impatience, spurring him into a bolt for the door. The villagers and dragons all gathered around once the noise had spread and word was passed among them all. It wasn't long before all of Selardalr stood anxiously waiting outside and gossiping amongst themselves. Toothless returned to his rider's side and faithfully gave him a much needed nuzzle to the side.

"Thanks, bud..." Hiccup said holding the Night Fury's head. "And here I thought teaching your kid how to swing a weapon was the most terrifying part of parenthood..."

"Aye, you can say the past few months were nothing compared to this, right?" Harold came up and asked with a strong hand placed on the young chief's shoulder.

"Well, the lack of screaming was definitely a plus..."

Harold chuckled as best he could to ease his son-in-law's no doubt anxious state. "You can't be sure who's got it tougher, us or them. Imagine how I was when Imelda was giving birth to Syn; nearly tore a man's arms off, I was so worried."

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