Conversation 22

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Conversation 22

Erza1998: So what's up?

flower12345:ahhaxD nm, just hugging my panda *hugs panda* you?;3

Erza1998: XD I am just writing a new chapter for my story and I'm writing a convo for Random Conversations. I can't hug my pillow because I broke up with it. :(

flower12345:ahhaxD cool ;3 and aww! why did you brake up with it :'O

Erza1998: It was being mean to a friend of mine. So, I decided that if it can't respect my friends, it won't respect me. That led to breaking up but I am glad I did. I just will have to find my other pillow soul mate. XD

flower12345: That's sad D': Well here you can hug my panda too *hands my panda to you*

Erza1998: *takes panda and hugs it*

*panda scratches my faces*

Me: Hahaha I guess he doesn't want to leave your side. Don't worry, I'll find the right one.

flower12345:aww okay ;)

*grabs the panda* My panda is perfect for me ;3

Erza1998: XD Violent panda. Scratched my face like there was no tomorrow.

flower12345:*glares at panda* Don't scratch friends! Sorry about that ;3

Erza1998: It's ok. *A baby cub drops out of nowhere into my arms* Me: O__O

flower12345: da fuck.. *looks up* where did it come from! ;o

Erza1998: Me: I don't know. The sky? o.O Is the Big Guy sending me a sign?

flower12345: I think he is..o.o ahahxD

Erza1998: XD Me: But the roof is on the house so how did it get through the roof?


Erza1998: XD Me: The question is: WHO THE HELL IS THE FATHER?!!

flower12345: THE NEIGHBOR'S ROOF......... O_O

Erza1998: XD Me: The neighbor's house was just ran down by a bull-dozer. o.O What do we do?

flower12345: welp, the has no d-dad.. D": poor thing!

Erza1998: Me: WAHHH! I've decided that it's my job to raise him as the father would've.

flower12345: aww thats so sweet of you! ;3

Erza1998: Me: I wouldn't be able to stand it if the cub had only a mother and saw another cub having both a mother and father. Besides, the cub is starting to grow on me. >.<

flower12345: aww well *whispers* find the roof a boyfriend ;)

Erza1998: Me: *whispers* Yeah she deserves a little happiness. Even though she said she doesn't need another man I think she does. So what's your plan?

flower12345: you see that roof across ur house, hes been staring at ur roof for a while now ;) you know what that means? ;3

Erza1998: Me: Oh my gosh. Yes! How are we going to hook her up with the guy?

flower12345:go to the house across and talk to the roof!

Erza1998: Me: So tell her we're out the roofmix and to ask the roof across the street for some?

flower12345: yes! :D

Erza1998: Me: Aww look at her blushing when she's asking the guy for the mix. Isn't that cute? >.<

flower12345:aw yush!<33 i can see the redness from here!man i have nop bf roof does..

flower12345: i totally mess that up... *man i have no bf and ur roof does**what i meant!

Erza1998:XD Me: I thought you had the panda? Also where did cub go? *looks around in panic*

flower12345: ahah the panda is ma baby! ;3 *looks around * where are u!

Erza1998: Me: Aww look. Panda's playing with cub on top the neighbor's roof's head.

flower12345: *LOOKS* aww! man they're so cute! C':

Erza1998: Me: Oh my stars above the heaven of roofs! I think the guy just asked roof to go out with him on a date. >.<

flower12345: O>O AWWWWWW!!!!!!! our plan worked!

Erza1998: Me: Yes success. Oh no! The expensive stuck-up roof just came over!

flower12345: ah no girl! O>O we need to stop this!

Erza1998: How? o.o

flower12345: I-I DONT KNOW!

Erza1998: Oh no! We came too far for this to happen!

flower12345: im sure the nice roof will protect the mother roof!

Erza1998: Oh ok. Jesus the cub and panda were just kidnapped!

flower12345: WHAT!!!!!! NO!




$$$$To Be Continued$$$$$

[A/N]: Aloha, my orange-flavored drumsticks! Wow, that didn't sound dirty. I'm bored so you know what? I might put a random fact about me at the end of each conversation. No, I am not going to tell you where I live you CRAZY OBSESSED STALKERS!!!

Bye my drumsticks~

Make sure you comment. I'm watching you... >.>

Just kidding... or am I? <.<

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