Chapter 80

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True to Jungkook's word, Gong Yoo dutifully brought the flash drive containing the spy ware.

What surprised Lisa most about the software was that if you entered few choice key words, then the program can actually record conversations that contain those words eliminating the need to be constantly on watch for all the phone calls she might be receiving.

She felt relieved when butler Yoo explained this. There was a part of her that niggled her for being unethical. But with this, she can now just listen to already recorded phone conversations without having to snoop through each and every call.

"I installed the software and it is now ready to run. All Miss Lisa has to do now is to send a message to the intended recipient from here," he pointed to a small empty space on the right side of the computer.

"Mh," she made a sound of acknowledgement.

"If you have any questions, please ask them Miss Lisa," Mr. Yoo took a step back and stood aside inquiring her politely.

Lisa carefully went through the instructions in her head and shook her head. She couldn't help but feel a little awe at how this program was built. She did not understand much about technology but even she understood the ramifications of a technology like this.

Should she really be using something like this?

But her misgivings were quickly swallowed up her desire to find out what actually happened that night three years ago, and how is Jennie connected to all this, if at all?

"Well then Miss. I have orders to inform you that master will be away for a few days for work but he'll meet you at his summer villa on Saturday night."

She looked at him blankly.

"A car will pick you up from Hannam miss. I hope you will be ready." Mr. Yoo made a smart bow and left the room leaving her half confused.


By Saturday evening, Lisa still did not know much about where she going. She simply put on a decent dress and picked up her purse and followed the guards waiting for her outside the door.

"Mr. Min, do you know where we are going?" she asked the guard sitting in the front seat of the car she was in. They left Hannam a couple of minutes ago but they did not travel on any roads she was familiar with. Instead she was on an outskirt road leading towards, if she remembered correctly, to the south of the city.

"We will be there soon Miss," the bodyguard did not elaborate and gave a short answer that told her nothing.

Lisa sighed in her heart. Was there a need for such secrecy?

As she watched the scenery flash by, the area become less and less familiar.

Was there really a villa in an area like this?

But the car still did not stop. It had been more than an hour and they were still traveling making her more curious about their destination.

Then before she knew it, the car suddenly stopped and turned onto a small road leading into dense woods.


And then she saw that the road opened into a small open area. If the lights did not turn on, she wouldn't have realized that there was a garage built inside the small rocky mountain covered with greenery.

"Miss, this way," Min Yoongi opened her door and walked ahead.

Lisa silently followed him looking around as she went. There was a narrow flight of steps that blended into the surroundings and wouldn't be found easily. The sun was setting slowly and the guard held a flash light which made it easier for her to stay on the path, otherwise she would have slipped off the narrow steps a long time back.

The steps curved around the rocks and climbed up an incline. Just when she thought she was going to take another turn, the steps opened to a wide space filled with meticulously cultivated flowers and a cozy villa built on the edge of the hill over looking the vast sky and the valley beneath it.

Lisa stood still looking at what she believed was an architectural marvel.

"Miss," the guard called her when he found that she was no longer following him.

She diverted her gaze from the villa and followed him again into the villa itself.

She was led into a bedroom on the first floor and a maid was already waiting there with a package for her.

"Miss Lisa, please change into this. After that, I will lead you upstairs to the viewing room."

Curious about what was in the package, she carefully peeled back the lid and found a set of clothing inside.

The maid already left the room, giving her some privacy to change.

Lisa looked into the mirror, aghast at what she saw.

The clothes in the package turned out be a uniform set? She now wore a gray colored skirt and simple white shirt with blue stripes on it. It on it. It would have looked cute on a little girl, but she was already a well developed woman now.

On her slender body, the uniform outlined her curves almost making it seem perverse. As if she was cosplaying.

Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

What was Jungkook thinking?! Or did he prefer things like this? What an eccentric man!

There was no way she could wear it. Thinking that, she started to quickly unbutton her shirt, but right then the maid came in and started removing her discarded dress.

Lisa was startled. "What are you doing?"

The maid gave her a small smile, "Miss, the master gave strict instructions that you should wear that dress to the viewing room."

"If you are ready miss, please come with me this way."

Helpless, Lisa buttoned back the shirt and silently followed her upstairs.

As soon as the door opened, she recognized Jungkook's back as he stood outside the french windows watching the dark valley.

The maid closed the door behind her as soon as she entered the room, leaving only her and Jungkook. The lights were dim but it was easy to make out the cozily designed room and the man standing ahead.

For a moment, she thought it looked quite lonely.

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