Chapter 58

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Since the day Lin Dai arrived on the cruise, he was trying to meet Jeon Jungkook. While his company was a big one, if it had to grow any further and expand into the international market, it was important to work with companies like Jeon Corp.

But even when he personally met with Jungkook's personal assistant he was brazenly brushed off. At this Lin Dai could only grit his teeth and bear the discourtesy in silence. In this country, there were only two companies that one could dare to treat even the richest like dirt, and Jeon Jungkook owned one of that.

"Mr. Jeon is still busy, I'm sorry but there is no time to make an appointment Mr. Lin," Jungkook's personal assistant, Hoseok, said politely.

As the assistant left to deal with others Lin Dai's face turned red in anger. Eunbi, standing a little further away from him, immediately went to his side to placate his mood.

It was a dog eat dog world after all, so Lin Dai went away making plans to approach Jeon Jungkook one way or the other.

Jungkook on the other hand was truly busy meeting with potential partners, clients and friends making decisions on policies to support and issues to lobby for or against. Baja cruise truly was the place where the countries policies regarding business export, import and manufacturing regulations were made. After all, 90% of the government of the country was in the pockets of people on this cruise.

In the mean time, Lisa put on a dress to look presentable and made her way to the second balcony to meet Eunbi.

Due to her excitement, she arrived half an hour earlier than the appointed time and waited for the woman to come.

Just as it was about to be 7, Eunbi made her way towards her along with the middle aged man she saw her with. Lisa looked complicatedly at this occurrence. She thought she would be able to talk to her one on one but instead it looked like she'll have to ask Eunbi to talk to her privately.

"Lisa," Eunbi greeted her with a smile as she saw her. She wore a long black dress sewn with some shining material that sparkled with every step she took making her look like a sultry woman one would find on male magazines.

When she knew Eunbi, she was a very conservative girl who was cheerful and talked less before strangers. The person before her now though looked like Eunbi, but none of her old self was seen. She now behaved like a sophisticated woman who has seen a lot of life.

"This is Mr. Lin of the Lin Corporation," she introduced the man to her, "darling, this is my classmate Lisa Kim" she said turning to Mr Lin.

"Hello Mr. Lin" Lisa greeted him politely.

She knew a little about Mr. Lin and as far as she knew, he was still a married man. With each second, she felt as if the once sweet girl had vanished.

Lin Dai was famous in his circle for going after any woman indiscriminately, and once he fancied Lisa, he followed Eunbi to meet this beauty to steal her away for himself.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Eunbi asked Lisa looking around for a geeky looking man. She knew about Lin Dai's interest in Lisa but she had been in this world long enough to know not to make fuss about things like that. As long as she got what she wanted from Lin Dai, she was perfectly happy to share him with others.

Lisa was startled at the unexpected question. She stuttered to give a reply, "T..that, is out talking with some acquaintances," she mumbled slowly.

She should have prepared a good answer for this ah! She thought belatedly. But she can't tell them that she was with The Jeon Jungkook now, can she?

But it's over now, she didn't have to worry about that bastard anymore. She could almost taste the freedom on the tip of her tongue.

Lin Dai smirked at her reply. Like he thought, that chap was someone upcoming and useless. "I have a good contact circle and network, stay close with me tonight and I might introduce someone worthy to you tonight," he said with a smile slowly laying his trap.

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