Chapter 79

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For the third time, Lisa absentmindedly put another piece of vegetable on Jungkook's plate leaving the big meaty pieces inside the pot.

Jungkook's eyebrows twitched in a mixture of confusion and frustration. His good food stayed in the pot and he was being fed only goat food.

Who cared for these vegetables?

The maids standing behind started sweating bullets as they watched Lisa act as if her thoughts were a million miles away. Wasn't she scared?

Their boss was a fire a breathing dragon when he is displeased, ah!

Jungkook finished his vegetables and looked expectantly at the pot filled with meat pieces.

A maid noticed that Lisa's eyes were still glued to her own plate and hurriedly moved to serve her master.

Jungkook looked at her with displeasure but let her serve. As soon as the food was his plate, his attention was once again focused on his food.

It was only after he was done that he noticed Lisa's non-participation. Usually, she would reach for a dish and serve him as soon as he saw it, but today she did not move much and the maids did most of the serving. It really made his meal a little less appealing.

When he looked up at Lisa sitting before him, she was still dazedly picking her beans, one by one as if she wasn't really looking at them.

Did the woman have a problem?

Last time she was silent for a long time, he thought she was rebelling, but it was only later he learnt that she was running a high fever. The whole house had to scramble finding a doctor and taking care of her.

She really was so unreliable.

He looked closely at her face to see if she looked like she was ill. But her skin looked as fair and as soft as always.

Not able to bear it any longer, Jungkook directly called for her attention to only be responded with silence.


What? He wasn't even worth her attention now?

Seeing his quickly worsening mood, a maid immediately stepped towards Lisa and gently prodded her.

Lisa came to her senses with a quick jerk and looked stupidly at the silent maid at her side.

"What are you doing being lost in thoughts? Can't you hear me calling you?" Jungkook asked sourly.

"Ah? You called?" She asked dumbly. When did he do that? She did not hear a thing.


"Do you have a fever again? Is that why you are zoning out?"

"Mm? What?"

Jungkook made a sound of impatience, "Do you have a fever?" he asked again loudly.


Did he think she was suffering from fever because she was inattentive?

Her face broke out into an amused smile.

"What?" Jungkook's voice sounded irritated.

"Nothing," she said gently, "I was thinking that you are getting better at noticing things."

Jungkook frowned, "does that mean, you have a fever?" How delicate is this woman? She gets ill at the drop of a hat. How can he raise her if she's like this?

"No, I don't have a fever. I was just caught up in my thoughts, that's all," Lisa explained. She quickly looked at the empty dishes before her and realized that she did not really serve him anything. No wonder he looked like that.

Jungkook visibly relaxed when he heard that she was not ill. "What's so important that you forgot about your dinner?" he asked leaning back into his chair and sipping his water.

She nibbled on her food, "I overheard a woman I know talk about something and it made me curious." She did not want to explain about Jennie and complicate this matter with him.

"Oh. If you are really that curious and want to know more why don't you just do it properly? Tap her phone," Jungkook suggested blithely as if he wasn't talking about something illegal.

Lisa heard his explanation and choked on her food, coughing out loud.

"Thank you," she thanked the maid who passed her the glass of water.

"You just offhandedly suggested something illegal, you know?" she told him after drinking some water to stop her coughing. That really hurt. Her windpipe was aching.

"It's only illegal if you get caught," Jungkook said with a wicked smile lighting up his face.

For a moment she thought that this must be how the devil look like. Tempting people with ridiculously reasonable ideas and dragging them over to the dark side while still pasting on a wicked smile on a handsome face.

The conversation between Jennie and Wendy had been bugging her so much that she kept repeating their words over and over gain in her head. What intrigued her more was the connection between Eunbi and Jennie.

The way Eunbi warned her about Jennie, she really wanted to know if there really is anything to it. And, despite her moral misgivings, she agreed that she was slightly tempted by Jungkook's idea.

"Um, assuming I want to, how do I go about it?" she asked him tentatively.

Jungkook's eyes lit up with interest. Although he liked Lisa as she was, he had to agree that her interest in illegal methods to snoop around made a mischievous part of him like her even more.

He felt as if he was smearing her with his colors and making her his. This was much more pleasurable than pressing her down in the bed.

"It's quite easy. You just have to infect her phone with a spy virus."

"Um... and how do I do this?" She squirmed uncomfortably in her chair.

"Just send her a message. And when she opens it, the software will be automatically downloaded."

Lisa looked at him in surprise. That's all? Didn't that just sound too easy?

"That sounds...easy?"

"Of course, I personally developed it. It is quite easy. The message even mimics a familiar number from her number from her contact book. There is no way it won't work, you have Jeon Jungkook's personal guarantee," he said with a tinge of pride coloring his words.

Lisa was slightly impressed at his skill. She knew he liked making softwares for his company and he even helped his company technical team, but she did not know that he was this good.

But a small part of her was still suspicious that he would give it her easily.

"So, will you lend this software to me?" she asked softly, not looking directly at him.

Jungkook laughed at her evasive manner, "Of course, but I need you to do something for me."

She quickly looked up at him and waited for his answer. She was still paying for the phone, will he add more hours sorting through his documents?

"This weekend, accompany me somewhere."

She thought it wasn't a bad deal. "Like, a party?" As long as it was away from people she knew, she really did not mind.

"No, not a party. Somewhere private. What do you say?"

Lisa was confused. But she felt better knowing that it wasn't a party. If it's just accompanying him, why not? She was doing it now staying here.


"Good. Come to my office and pick it up later. I'll ask Gong Yoo to keep it ready for you in a flash drive. He'll instruct you on how to use it properly."

And just like that, Lisa started spying on Jennie's phone calls.

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