Chapter 65

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Lisa chose a small coffee shop nearby and messaged the address to her mother.

She ordered a coffee and waited looking out the window and almost sprayed out her drink when she saw Jungkook's car parked by the curb.

So, he did follow her after all. But it was fortunate that he was not here in the store.

In a few minutes, Hye Eun came and sat across her and ordered a cappuccino looking slightly harassed.

"What is it?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"Lis," Hye Eun started looking slightly suffocated, "your dad and sister are not doing so well these days. I had to accompany Jennie to shopping and events to make her feel better, that was why I couldn't contact you sooner."

Lisa looked at her for more details.

"Jennie and Taehyung are fighting a lot these days," the older woman said with obvious pain.


Jennie and Taehyung are fighting? It was hard to imagine that Taehyung who treasured Jennie so much would do that.

"I'm sure it's temporary. They love each other a lot," she tried to console the woman.

Hye Eun looked at Lisa peculiarly before she said, "the maids said that the reason they are mainly fighting is because of you."


Lisa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

How can they fight because of her?

After the wedding, she never tried to contact them again and only met with Taehyung once and that too only for details on Eunbi. How can it be about her?

"Mom, I think there must be a mistake," she said, "They love each other so much, how can they fight about me? It's impossible."

Hye Eun felt uncomfortable, "no, the maids and servants have heard your name a lot of times in their house."


Lisa's body went stiff at that information. Is this the reason why she visited her today?

"Your sister is frequently calling home crying and even I cant talk anything to persuade them."

At that time, the waiter came with Hye Eun's order.

Lisa sat there silently, trying and failing to understand how she became some over whom they quarreled.

She had been there for years and it had never made any difference, why now?

However, Taehyung was behaving rather strangely the last time she saw him. But, he was courteous at the most and that too might be because she stayed away from their lives.

"When your father heard this, he was so angry that he didn't sleep straight for days together. He is now constantly in a bad mood and both his business partners and the family are unhappy with the way he's dealing with things..."

Here, Hye Eun wanted to say something more but she hesitated.

When Lisa looked at her, she looked undecided and quickly blurted out the words, "that, Lis, today your father asked me to let you sign this document."

She placed a official looking document before her.

Lisa was still still holding her hot cup of coffee when she glanced at the title of the document and her hand involuntarily shook spilling hot coffee all over her hand.

Hye Eun immediately took a napkin to wipe her hand off while Lisa was still sitting there in daze at what she saw on the document.

A document to cut off their legal parent child ties.

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