Chapter 50

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Lisa watched Taehyung, she suddenly felt that he was acting very strange.

In the last 6 years, he was never once cordial to her, and she had tasted disappointment too many times to count with him so she wasn't in hurry to believe that he would become cordial to her just after a small misunderstanding like that.

She looked at him warily.

"It was not a big thing," Lisa said lightly holding the bottle in her hand, "I'll leave now, I hope you get better," she pointed at him vaguely and limped back.

"What happened to your feet?" Taehyung asked frowning when he noticed that she was walking favoring one leg, "you are here to see a doctor? I'll go with you?"

Lisa's eyes widened momentarily from shock.

"No. No, I'll go by myself," she rejected him immediately. At this moment, he was not just someone she vowed to stay away from, he was also Jennie's husband.

But she needed to see a doctor soon, the pain in her leg was getting gradually worse.

Taehyung took a few steps towards her and ignored her refusal, "I know the chief physician here. He's good at these problems, I'll..."

"No, I can do it by myself." Lisa once again refused, but this time her voice was determined cutting off his suggestion.

Taehyung stopped mid step stiffening at her determined refusal.

"Thank you for your kindness," She said politely and distanced herself from him, "You are Jennie's husband, and I'm her sister. Before, I got myself involved with you, that wasn't good. Now, you don't need to concern yourself with me. What happened before, I really don't mind, it was a misunderstanding that's all."

She hobbled few more steps away from him, "You can rest assured, I will go look for a doctor," she said walking away.


Taehyung looked at her back moving further away from him, his lips moving slightly wanting to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Lisa walked around the corner but suddenly stopped and turned back.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung immediately asked when he saw her look at him as if hesitating to say something.

Lisa looked at his earnest face, hesitated for another second before asking, "I remember that you graduated from my university too, do you know any way to find the contact information of past university student?"

Taehyung was surprised at her request, "the school does have information on it's graduates. Are you looking for someone?"

She fidgeted trying to restrain the blooming hope inside her, "Yes. I want to find a college student, my classmate, Her name is Eunbi Jung, same department."

Taehyung looked at her serious demeanor and said with assurance, "After a few days I'm going to the university to deliver a speech, when I'm there, I'll make sure to ask about her. If you need it urgently, I can try and get the information early."

Hearing this, Lisa wanted to immediately refuse.

However, she can not forget the feeling of Jungkook's strong fingers clenching around her neck. At this point, she hurt herself, art her friends, if this went on longer, she was not sure if she would be left unharmed.

"Will it be too much trouble for you?" Lisa asked Taehyung. The idea of freedom prevailed.

"Just a little thing."

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