Part twelve

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When your cold husband comes home injured

"Oppa! That's what you said last time!" You whine on the call talking to your brother. "Y/n... I'm busy-" He tried to explain but you weren't ready to listen.

"No! I get it now! You don't miss me! You don't love me!" You huff, Hoseok tried to speak again but you didn't let him.

"That's why you married me off with Jungkook and sent me to a different city away from you." You say, pouting. You were really sad.

"It's not like that Y/n. I do miss you and you know very well how much I love you." He said. "Then show it! Come to meet me!" You demanded.

"I'm too busy with work-" He started off but you interupt. "Fine! Stay with your work. Bye! Take care! Eat well! AND DON'T CALL ME AGAIN!" You almost shout and then cut the call without even listening to him, bringing your phone down to your lap.

Grief was planted on your face until you heard the doorbell chime. Your head shot up.

"Must be Kook." You smile a little before walking to the door as you merrily open it. "Welcome back-" You cut your cheerful tone as you see Jungkook massaging his forehead. His big hand covering most of his face.

"Are you too tired?" You asked, getting aside to let him in. He walks inside and you close the door walking behind him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." He said, in a low tone and something about him didn't seem right. He started walking to the stairs.

"Koo... your coat." You tug on his coat and he understood what you were doing as he slides his coat off his shoulder.

You take the coat from his hand while his back was facing you but what caught your attention was his bruised knuckles.

The blood was still fresh over the knuckles showing that he got hurt just a while ago. You put the coat aside and hold onto his wrist, checking the wound.

"Koo... how did you get hurt?" You ask and Jungkook hastily pulls his hand out of your grip and you look up at his back. "Maybe it got brushed against concrete. I'm fine." He said, continuing to walk to the stairs.

"But-" You move faster and walk in front of him jolting his actions. A loud gasp escapes your lips while your hand covers your mouth.

"Oh no... you're hurt alot.... Omg... it's bleeding. Did you get in a fight? It must be hurting." You panicked. His face was covered with bruises and his lip still bleeding lightly. Jungkook sighed seeing your tensed body.

"I'm okay. It doesn't hurt. I'll just go wash it." He was trying to comfort you and that's was all he can say.

"What? No.... I'll bandage it and put on some ointment. Come!" You hold his wrist pulling him up the stairs, to your shared bedroom. You make him sit on the bed and rush to bring the first aid kit while Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"You're over-reacting!" He mumbled.

You come back and sit in front of him taking out the antiseptic. Jungkook didn't react to anything giving up. You dip the cotton in antiseptic and slowly dab it on the cuts. He closed his eyes as the pain striked him but none was shown on his face.

You bite your lips while carefully doing your work as if you could feel the pain. After the face, you turn to his hands putting them on your lap while Jungkook observed all your actions, lost seeing you.

You put the antiseptic on his hand and he hissed slightly flinching at the sudden contact since he wasn't paying attention.

"I'm... I'm so sorry." You mumble, looking up at him. He just nodded and looked away.

✔️COLD HUSBAND SERIES ~ ||JJK||Where stories live. Discover now