Part four (2/2)

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"And who told you, you can do this with ANY GIRL?!" With that, Jungkook threw the man on the floor and started punching him mercilessly. Too engrossed in his anger, Jungkook didn't even noticed that the man started coughing blood. You get scared at the sight moreover, scared of Jungkook.

But you also knew no one will stop Jungkook because they didn't even stop that man then how can you expect them to stop this whole ball of lava. Taking the initiative You went to Jungkook and grabbed his arm.

"Jungkook! Let him go!" You said. "Get away Y/n!" He pushed you slightly not enough to hurt you. You tried to stop him but he didn't.

"Just stop! He's already unconscious. Please stop." You cried. Jungkook listened to you realising that the man was no more capable of even standing up. He jerked off the man's collar getting up.

"Our contract is over! I don't want to have any connection with a low person like you." Jungkook spited and then turned to the workers.

"FIRED!" He shouted. "All of you who saw this all happening with her and didn't do anything, YOU'RE ALL FVCKING FIRED! Couldn't even be a good citizen." That was the last thing he said before grabbing your wrist and pulling you along with him.

His grip was so tight that you were sure it could leave a mark. You gulped hard thinking of what was about come. He practically dragged you with himself.

"J...Jungk-" "SHUT UP!!" He shouted before opening the door to his cabin and then he pushed you inside, pinning you against the wall.

"Ah... Jungkook... it hurts..." You wriggled, trying to get out of his tight grip but he just tightened it even more. "So now it hurts. When I'm holding you, it hurts?! But when that d*ckhead was trying to get in your pants YOU COULDN'T FVCKING PROTEST?"

"WHAT THE FVCK WERE YOU WAITING FOR?!" He shouted right at your face and you closed your eyes, scared. "For a prince charming to show up and save you?!" His voice lowered a few octaves.

Your whole body shivered due his loud thundering. He didn't looked any less scarier than a beast. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT FIGHT FOR YOURSELF?!" He shouted again, punching the wall beside your head. You flinched. "I..... I.... J... jung... kook..." You stuttered trying to form a word. "SPEAK!!"

You couldn't hold any more and bit your lips trying to suppress your sobs. He sighed heavily before backing away. "Life is not a movie Y/n... You need to learn how to kick such douchebags in the balls." He shook his head.

"Stand here! And! Don't move... not even an inch. That's your punishment. Consider it nothing compared to the level of my anger. DO YOU GET THAT??" You nodded your head slowly gulping down at his statement.

Your thoughts were all over the place and you were crying internally. You were not a weak person but so fragile and the way he scolded you, you almost broke. You shouldn't have wore this in the first place or you could just have been a bit more careful or maybe you had defended yourself.

He should've have a bit gentle with you.

The door suddenly opened revealing Taehyung. "Jungkook! What happened here?" Tae asked. Jungkook looked up at him with his blood shot eyes.

"I don't want to talk about that. Just fire all the workers from 2nd floor." Jungkook said coldly with his gritted teeth. "A..all of 'em?" Tae asked and Jungkook glares. "Fine." Taehyung sighed and turned to you. Your head hung low while small sniffles could be heard.

"Y/n-" "Leave the room Taehyung!" Jungkook said just as Taehyung was going to talk to you. He sighed and left. 10 minutes passed and you were still standing there, silently.

"Sit down!" You looked up at Jungkook who was still focused on his work. He looked up at you with his cold glare. "Did you not hear? I said sit down!" He ordered again and you sat down on the couch.

"Seriously Y/n... You couldn't protest even now. Why couldn't you just say that you won't have the punishment?!" He mumbled but you prolly couldn't hear through your owns sobs. A cry baby indeed.

He endulged himself in work again. One hour passed and Jungkook was continuously working. You were also over your little sad moment as you quietly turned the pages of the magazine that was lying on the table.

Jungkook sighed, tired. He looked up from the computer and his eyes travelled to your petite figure. "Y/n!" He called out. You slowly looked up. "Come here." He said and you blinked. "Come here, princess." His voice was soft that you couldn't help but obey him.

You went in front of his table. He signalled you to come closer. You hesitated but walked near his chair, standing beside him. He immediately pulled you on his lap, nuzzling his face in your hairs as he hugged your waist tightly. He inhaled deeply making a shiver run down your spine.

"I'm so glad you came here... I was literally so tired today." He muffled against your skin. His hands reached upto your shoulder, pulling down his coat that you were wearing. Jungkook brushed his lips against your bare shoulder making you feel ticklish as you bit your lips.

'What's gotten into him all of a sudden? He scolded me just a while ago.' A tear ran down your cheeks unintentionally. You were thinking when Jungkook pressed his lips on your neck.

"You know... I hate it when other men look at you." You didn't say anything. "Why did you wear this dress, huh? It makes me want to do things with you." You almost choked on your saliva.

You were literally wearing a plain off-shoulder dress with a slightly deep neck. What's so special in that? When you didn't say anything, he pulled back to look at you to get a not so pleasant view.

His eyes went dark as he saw teary eyes. You were looking down. "Why are you crying?" He asked, with no expression. You looked up at him in disbelief. "Don't tell me you're crying because I scolded you. Does that mean you don't acknowledge your mistake?" He said through gritted teeth.

"I... I did want to slap him hard. He was too s..strong It's not like..." You tried explain but he kept his finger on your lips.

"If there's one thing I hate the most, it's people talking back to me."

He said sliding his hand over your cheek, then he tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry for scolding you. Hmm? I'll make up for it. How about shopping?" He asked. Your eyes lit up. Yes! You love shopping and Jungkook knows it. "Really?" He smiled and nodded.

Excited, you through your arms around his neck. He chuckles, pulling you even closer. "I'll let you off the hook then." You said, giggling.

"Should we go for toy shopping instead? Since I got a baby here in body of a young lady." He said. You pulled back and looked at him with a pout. "I'm not baby." You said. He pecked your pouted lips making you a blushing mess. This is a very rare Jungkook you were witnessing right now.

"You are a baby. My baby." He stated and you hid your face in his chest embarrassed to show your cheeks that were probably red as tomato by now.


HEYYYYY! I posted twice today so do check the previous part too.
All right, the ones from insta, Do you see the difference?👀 I did make a huge difference here.

I hope you liked it <3
(Tho there was nothing to like) ☠️

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