Part nine (1/2)

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When your friend comes over while your cold husband is at home

Your husband Jungkook was in the bathroom when your phone suddenly starts ringing. Furrowing your brows you check the Id and your expressions immediately turned to a happy one.

Mean while Jungkook came out of the bathroom as you pick the call.

"Hello?" You say nervously.

Jungkook throws the towel nearby and sat on the bed beside you, constantly staring.

"Y/N!! IT'S ME!! Do you remember me or not?!" The person spoke through the phone. "Chill... how can I forget you? You know, I missed you." You smile, saying this while Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"Okay! Listen here, I'm back here from my visit and I'm missing you a lot so I'mma be at your place today. Be ready. We'll have a loooooot of fun." She squealed and you both bid goodbyes before cutting the call.

You look at Jungkook who was already looking at you.

"You... won't say anything? I mean... Wanna share?" Jungkook asked. "Huh? Oh! The call, it was Jiyoung! She's coming over today and I'm so happy for that." You giggle and Jungkook nods.

"But... you aren't going to office? Why are you in casuals?" You ask. "It's weekend." He stated and walked away from there.

He looked somewhat... unhappy. You shrugged off the thought and did the daily routine while being excited to meet your best friend after months.

It was almost afternoon and Jungkook was busy working on his laptop since morning. You went to your room to find him still in the same position since the morning, concentrated on his laptop.

"Kook... do you need coffee or something?" You asked and he looked up. Jungkook was about to say something but the doorbell interrupted. Your eyes lit up and you gasped.

"Jiyoung!! COMING!!" You shouted and ran downstairs. Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes.

You opened the main door and there stood Jiyoung.

"Y/nie!!" Jiyoung squealed and pulled you in a tight hug shaking your body. "Yah... I can't breathe Jiyoung." She quickly pulled away and you chuckle.

"Sorry... but it's all your fault. You changed your number and didn't contact me. I got your number from hobi." She complained. You give her an apologetic look and invite her inside the house.

"Where's your bedroom? That one? It's prettiest so I guess I'm going there." She pointed at your bedroom and started heading upstairs.

You shake your head at her excitement but soon it hit you. "Jungkook is working inside." You panic and rush behind her. Pulling her right before she could open the door.


"We'll disturb his work. Don't go inside!" You command. She suddenly gasped. "How can I forget?! You're married!! OMG! I was the bride's maid and I totally forgot about him. How is it going?" She asked.

"I'll tell you but let's go to the other room." You pull her inside the guest room.

Little did you know that Jungkook was already disturbed only by the fact that his wife will be spending the whole day with her friend instead of him.

He got up, walking out and walked to the guest room slightly leaning against the door.

"So? Tell me, how is he treating you? Is he treating you well? If not, I'll kick him where the sun doesn't shines." She said making you chuckle.

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